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fighted retrieve training


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We lost a companion, We don't condone this, to repeat myself, a Grey will not become domesticated for another 200,000 years. When a dog wanders off, they're smelling the ground and can find their way home, when a Grey flies off, they're escaping, never looking back....Has your Grey been taught to fly "Down" from a high location?.....We have other past members who have lost their Greys while being taught free flight....Greys are flock creatures, they depend on their flock for protection from predators....Jayd

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I have trained him recall, from tree, from top of theladder, any other high places. But i do agree with your concern, grey have a greater cautiousness than my conures so I have to put extra attention on his confidence.


So far emergency recall had help me a lot

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Loved watching your videos. Free flight is certainly only for a select few people that have professional level experience in safely training a bird for this before ever venturing to a first flight outdoors. You are right of course, a grey is the worst bird to try and free flight. They are just so nervous and alarm easily.


I always like to ask persons such as yourself to please give some detailed information on how you prepared your grey and other birds for the first free flight. We certainly do not want any members here thinking it is something they could do with their grey, without months of indoor preparation and help by a professional. Even professionals lose their birds at times when circumstances go seriously wrong. Most of us here use flight harnesses outside to ensure we never have the slightest possibility of losing our dearly loved greys. :)

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Zidane had been training recalled indoor for about one year, and fly on harness for approximately five months, and from his confidence level I only let him freefly on my neighborhood, in the other places, he still uses his harness to get acclimate

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Spock, who was a exceptional Grey as many older members new, he would light on command even if you were out of direct sight, he would fly to his cage on command and to other key locations. He would sit in the window and talk with the birds outside, We'll never forget that Jill [Greywings] called it "Zen Coo". One day almost a year ago, I tripped in the open door way and out Spock went, Maggie and I called to him as he circled not 25 feet over head then flying away never to be seen again. We know others who's trusted and trained Greys are gone. Please don't ask how we feel, there's no word that can express our anguish, nor the anguish of others who's well trained Grey is now gone. Please remember, every one has a right to do as they feel, This is something we wouldn't do. To those of you who feel this is drama, then I hope you never feel such drama. We are here to protect and care for them. Thank you Jayd.......

Edited by Jayd
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