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Bentley - Good bye loyal and loved one


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Our Doberman Bentley had to be put to sleep on Thursday evening. He was 12 years old, which is rare for a Doberman to live that long. In his frailty he had wobblers which is common in the breed and his back legs would sometimes not work well. IN the last few weeks, he slowly started eating less and less. The last two days of his life, he only ate a few pieces of cooked chicken from my hand. We took him to the vet and they ran a few tests and determined he was in renal failure, probably did not feel well and was probably in pain, though he was not indicating it.


We rescued him at 4 years old. He was found in an a home with his dead owner. The neighbors had called the police to check on them due to Bentley barking and howling day and night for 2 days. Once the police arrived, they could not enter the home due to Bentley protecting his owner and had to call animal control to come and safely restrain him.


It took a while for him to trust people after we first brought him home, but he did become some what accepting to family and friends that came and visited frequently. He was always by my side wherever I went and would fret and howl anytime I would leave the home. However, he was fearless and would protect my wife or me with his life. He loved the pool and would jump in and swim around chasing the pool sweep.He will be dearly missed....








Edited by danmcq
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Dan I'm sure you provided him a wonderful life. There is just nothing like a loyal dog. They don't stay with us long enough, but they sure pack a ton of love and life into the years God grants them. I pray he is resting in a shady spot near the Rainbow Bridge.

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Dan I am so sorry for your loss of Bentley but he did live a long life due to your kind heart to take him in and give him the love and attention he needed and deserved. I know he is not the only dog you have rescued so this scene will replay itself again in the future but thats what we live with when we share our home and our lives with a dog or cat. May you always remember the good times you had with him and both of your lives were so enriched with each other presence, again please accept my condolenses on your loss.

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Thanks all. I appreciate your thoughts. All creatures we have the privilege of gracing our lives for a period of time are dearly missed when they pass on. But, all the moments with them live on in our hearts and minds forever. Those memories are what drives a person to know perhaps they have the time to enjoy the honor of helping another feel the joy and love they so deserve. :)


We do still of course have Chloe, whom we rescued years ago as well that loved to play with Bentley. Chloe is presently 10 years old.





Edited by danmcq
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So sorry for your loss. Back in our younger days, when we lived in the country, we had dobermans. They were fantastic dogs and much loved. Their relatively short life-span was always painful though. We live in town now, and can't have a big dog. Bentley was blessed to share his life with you just as you were with him. I truly believe you will see him on the other side! God bless.

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Thanks all. I appreciate your thoughts. All creatures we have the privilege of gracing our lives for a period of time are dearly missed when they pass on. But, all the moments with them live on in our hearts and minds forever. Those memories are what drives a person to know perhaps they have the time to enjoy the honor of helping another feel the joy and love they so deserve. :)


We do still of course have Chloe, whom we rescued years ago as well that loved to play with Bentley. Chloe is presently 10 years old.







Believe me, I know how you're feeling and it's not a good feeling no matter where your dog is going. He only belonged in your house. Last year, I had to have my pointer Seamus put down. He was 13 which is a long time for a pointer. I had him since he was 9 wks old. During his last 2 months, he was acting very strange. Lots of staring at the rug, not eating, lots of sleeping and hiding, not responding to us. Imagining things that weren't there. It was like he was in a trance at times. Well, the vet did a thorough exam and he discovered a brain tumor that was seriously interfering with his *doggy brain*. The vet said that there was nothing that could be done. He was getting worse and worse so we had to do the right thing. He was a great dog. He and Smokey were inseparable. We were dog sitting the neighbor's dog.



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Dan and Kim, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. But bless your hearts for being such a wonderful and loving home or Bently. You took a lost soul and gave him a wonderful life where others wouldn't. I know how much you will miss him in our home and by your side. Remember all the happy times and cherish the time you did have. Love to you both,


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