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How do I get her to step up?


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Ive had Miki for over 3 months now and she still doesnt step up.. I try using the stick and she does step up on it but immediately gets back on her perch (like in 2 seconds). Nowadys, even when i hold the stick, she just pushes it away. If i try with my hand-she tries to bite. what do i do? I cant even lure her with food. She just throws it away!

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The trust is still not there in Miki's opinion. If she will momentarily step on to a stick, then keep using that and she will remain on it longer and longer over time. She will get to a point she will remain on it and let you take her somewhere on it. It is all about time and patience as you build that trust. As She gets used to the stick, which is held by your hand on one end, over time move your hand closer to her by holding the perch with a shorter and shorter length between your hand and her when she steps up. Over time your hand will be almost touching her when she steps up. At that point she will start moving on to your hand on her own. It is at that point in time you can quit using the perch and use your hand only.

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Are you by chance teaching her to step up while she is in her cage? Parrots are territorial and many don't like intrusions into their cage other than changing food, water, and replacing toys. If your bird is in the cage then get the bird out and away from her cage. Our grey is a rescued bird that came from a very abusive home where the husband (jerk) would swat her. So our grey warmed up to my wife but wanted nothing to do with me at first. I first built the trust but found out that I needed to get her away from her cage after reading many articles. She was stepping up on command within a few weeks. To date she still will not step up while in the cage so we just let her come out when she wants and only then will she step up.

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