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Need decent/sturdy travel cage.

Guest HeatherVT

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Guest HeatherVT

I've read some previous postings on travel cage recommendations... Well.. my grey, "Bird", will be coming with me to and from work now - yay! (to see if it helps his plucking!)- I need a cage that is sturdy.. and that he could stay in a good 10 hours... (I know.. long day.. but they'll be plenty of stuff for him to do/ladies to talk to...) Any recommendations?

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I have the same travel cage that judygram mentioned. It has worked great. We use it all the time for outings and visits. If he is going to be with you at work all day, you might consider a permanent larger cage that you can keep there. I don't know your situation, but if your workplace allows it, it might work better than the travel cage. I'm really glad you are taking your grey to work so that his life will be enriched. I was planning on taking my grey to work as well, but building security stopped that plan (my employer was fine with it--but the rules of the building forbid animals). Thankfully I am only away from 8:30-2:00 most days, so Gracie and I have lots of time together.

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A suggestion to go along with the good travel cage/crate suggestions is to get a small java table top playstand. This will give Bird someplace to stretch during the day, and you can return him to the travel cage for naps and timeouts. I allow my greys to "work" with me on a playstand sitting on an opened desk drawer, and return them to their respective cage when they start to get impish or need their nap (or if I need mine).




Here's an example


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