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Good Morning


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This morning I got up at 5 and opened Marco's cage. I turned on my son's bedroom light and woke him up and he left before 6. I laid back down on the couch just to close my eyes for a few more minutes even tho, I knew I had to be up. Marco in stealth mode, decided to crawl over to the couch lean down while my eyes were closed and preen my hair but she let like strand by strand drop on my nose which made me move my arm and itch my nose, push my hair off my face and shoo her away so I could close my eyes again .... she crept back over and did it again ... which caused me to go thru the entire motions again ... she did it for about 15 minutes and I was finally like OK OK OK ... IM UP! :rolleyes: As much as I really wanted that last 15 minutes of rest I woke up with a smile :D

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