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help please, new to this


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My boyfriend and I recently got an african grey from a family member. She is 13 years old. She is used to my boyfriend, so she allowes him to touch her, but as soon as he puts his hand in her cage she bites. She doesn't allow me to even try to touch her. Hen I approach her cage, she puffs her feathers and bobs her head up and down. He has also never been let out of her cage. She is very talkative when she can't see us, but as soon as one of us is in the same room as her, she keeps quite


So my question is, how do whe start training her to allow us to put our hands in her cage andd to let her out.

She is a very fussy eater. She only eats the parrot seed mix. She won't eat any fruit or veg. Howw do we get her to eat it?


I really want to provide her with the best, but have never had a bird before


I need help.

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There is a similar thread running now. The cage is her safe place. Don't try to touch her when she is in there, and most of them are a bit cage-territorial. Wait until she is out and always watch her body language carefully to see if she might be receptive. I think there is a sticky on that. Leave the cage door open and let her come out when she is ready. As you have probably read here, it takes more time for them to adjust and get comfortable than most realize. You have to build trust with her, and sticking your hands in the cage will only reinforce her belief that she can't trust you.


As for the vegetables, many of us struggle with that. Just keep offering fresh vegetables. One of these days she will surprise you and actually eat some. Timber responds best to a skewer of fresh veggies hanging in his cage. I also take greens (like kale) and thread them in his cage bars. How much he's eating I don't know, but he is doing something with them and I assume he is getting a little! Many here make chop, which is a way of kind of "hiding" the veggies. If the veggies are chopped fine, they get pieces of them whether they know it or not. Kind of like trying to trick your toddler into eating stuff that is good for him ;)


Good luck! Other more experienced members will answer too.

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I adopted Gracie, 7yrs old 6 months ago. She was all plucked, under weight, and pretty much a mess. But a real sweetie. I found she would eat accorn squash, and soon scrambbled eggs. Just keep offering foods. Gracie is more likely to try a new food if it comes off my plate. As for biting in the cage, my other grey, stewie, he calls the shots. I can tell by his posture if he is going to bite. The cage is their domain. If the feathers come up, leave em alone. once he is out the door i can pick him up. Be paient. Rehoming a grey takes time.

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As others have said already, the cage is her safe zone, no you in the cage unless she says so. Having a bird means you now are on their time, earn trust and respect first and foremost. Trust me, you can't move a mountain and constantly digging into the mountain trying to change it will in time destroy it.

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First she needs time to settle in, new home, new people, Her life has just changed big time.

Sit with her and talk or read and if can sing, sing to her. If you can`t sing than she will always be off key. lol

I have a perch on my birds door that they will go to and I open the door and they swing out and than they step up.

Don`t give up trying new food as they will in time try it.

Remember you and every thing around them is new so they need time to adjust. Good luck

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youve definately gotten great answers. marco might not eat something the first time but i havent stopped giving it to her and tryin and next time im amazed she'll eat it all. so never give up and start giving her the good food fresh veges and fruits right away they need more then a seed mix. i hope that in time your baby settles in for you :D patience!

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As a few others have said, keep hands out of cage except to change food and water. My grey came in as a rescued and had some very deep emotional problems due to the horrific abuse she went thru. I discovered that its location, location, location! Look around the cage, what is the environment? Is there another animal in close proximity? Do you keep a vacuum cleaner stored near by that she is already fearing? It can be anything. Move the cage if needed. Also, just open the door and keep an outside perch very close to cage. But the trick is to get her far away from her cage and make her feel comfortable at the same time. Also, keep cage so that she is near you most of the time. My cage is in the kitchen right behind where I sit at the table. Once she sees you all the time she will warm up to you. When training her to step up wear something colorful! Greys are attracted to color. And above all, talk softly to her. It does take time but don't give up, she will come around. Good luck!

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