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Harrisons Bird Food?


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Whisper was already on Harrison's when I got her and I kept her on it. That is all that is in her dish while I am gone during the day.


When I get home at night I put her on her playstand and give her a few more of the Harrison pellets and also some Zupreem for a little variety.


This is also when I give her some sweet potatoe and grapes. Also some of my supper if it is something that is good for her. So she gets about 1/2 Harrisons and the other half is other stuff.

I got her some of those Harrisons Palm oil Power Treats but she won't touch them.

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Char - I think I got those once and not one of mine would touch them. Maybe try breaking them up and mixing in some oatmeal. They're a bit pricey to give to the wild birds outside! :-)


KY - I'm going to run to Trader Joe's tomorrow and I'm sure they'll have it. Been reading about it more today and I may start taking about 2 Tbsp myself each day.



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  • 2 months later...

My Ben took to Harrison's High potency course first time, in minutes, and will accept anything else when I have none left, so it is not a problem for me to feed her.

She is very good with food, I think I must be very lucky.

I don't try with anything she reject's after a few minutes.

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Mine would only eat 3 or four pieces of the Harisons pellets in the morning when he is so hungry and i offer him nothing else. Im not sure how much he eats out of it because he breaks it into pieces more thatn he really eats... but he likes his veggis and we just tried oat meal, he just took a bit and didnt care for it. He is mainly interested in seeds but I just give him few after leaving him with veggies all day... I dont want him to starve...



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I feel, I must say after my last post that,

My Ben will eat most things but She has the tendency to get aggresive and try to nip after about 4 or 5 days when off Harrisons High Potency course.

Having said that she is allways calm as soon as I put her back on it.<br><br>Post edited by: Supernova, at: 2009/03/30 22:36

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Raposa wrote:

Interesting, Supernova, that you can see a clear difference in Ben's behavior with the change in pellets!
Yes it is very noticeable because she will show the signs of agresion but I just turn by back and walk away, on Harrisons she is a softie, I feel it is like a protest.
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That is interesting that you see a difference in Ben's level of aggression if she is off the Harrisons for a few days, have you asked your vet about that? Maybe she really does love them that much that she gets mad if she doesn't get them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feed Harrisons. She came to us on Roudybush, and the way the sticks are seemed easier for her to eat, so i considered keeping her on it. BUT! :ohmy: I compared the ingredients on both, GAH!{Characters-0002005F} Roudybush has so much crap in it, Harrisons has only a fraction of the ingredients and it's all stuff I know and I can pronouce it and would eat myself.

The Roudybush 3 or 4 ingredients in gets into stuff I cannot pronounce or know what it is! A lot of the word acid in Roudybush, none in Harrisons. She will stay on it forever! {Emotions-000200BE}

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  • 4 weeks later...

judygram wrote:

That is interesting that you see a difference in Ben's level of aggression if she is off the Harrisons for a few days, have you asked your vet about that? Maybe she really does love them that much that she gets mad if she doesn't get them.

Sorry Judy :S just found this, I have not ever been to an avian vet so cant say, I can say that Ben will eat anything I have tried most things, as a treat not very often I may add, She lives on Harrisons and dark greens.

But She distroys pistacho nuts is seconds.


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