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That moment when you realize your pets own you...


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I just got home from work and this is the conversation that ensued:


Me: "I have to make Dali and the rest of the gang dinner..."

Hubby: "How about my dinner?"

Me: "Order some Chinese."


:confused: :rolleyes:


LOL! I know you guys will understand!


PS...We have no human children

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I feel it happens in steps and just grows with time. I knew she owned my heart months ago (I've had her for a year)--but she seems to own more and more of me as time goes on. I am having a play I wrote performed in a city a couple of hours from my home. They have all these wonderful events planned for me and have invited me to stay the weekend all expenses paid. I had to write and say that I would drive in for the performance and then head back home because of my parrot. I was almost embarassed to decline the invitation because of a bird--but that's just how it is. I have not yet left her overnight with anyone and I didn't want to do it unless necessary. It was a no brainer decision for me that many might find odd.

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I don`t know,maybe the first year when my wife took seperate vacations,so someone was with stewie. Or maybe it was while she was on vacation,and stewie was screaming relentlessly, and i thought i`llshoot him and then turn the gun on myself! Or maybe this morning while i was spoon feeding stewie cerial, and gracie was eating out of my bowl! none the less, all the $ in the world could buy my greys.

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PMPL - I also have no children of my own and everything I do or shop for revolves around my CAG. My mom was trying to have a serious conversation with me about certain foods and herbs. Everytime she would mention a certain herb or food, my response would be " Oh I know this and that is great for for parrots" She eventually stopped looked at me and said to please stop telling her what is good for the birds, she is trying to talk about food that WE eat etc.

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PMPL - I also have no children of my own and everything I do or shop for revolves around my CAG. My mom was trying to have a serious conversation with me about certain foods and herbs. Everytime she would mention a certain herb or food, my response would be " Oh I know this and that is great for for parrots" She eventually stopped looked at me and said to please stop telling her what is good for the birds, she is trying to talk about food that WE eat etc.


Tell your mum that if it's good for your birds it's good for you !:)

When I shop for food I always think "Will Misty like this?" If I indulge myself and buy avocado pears or chocolate I feel guilty and have to eat them away from Misty because he expects to share my food! Some people might think I spoil or over indulge him but that is not so. I chose to have him live with me so I have to accommodate his needs. He is not a child who might grow up spoilt. He is a parrot and he acts according to his nature as far as I can allow for his safety in a human environment. He is also my friend.


Steve n Misty

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I woke up this morning, and started getting dressed in a HURRY. I had some extra money and was getting ready to go an do some shopping. Wilst sitting and fixing my hair, my mind was going over the things I need to get and remind myself what not to forget. After a while I was done and my mom came around to go shopping with me. As we drove out the gate, she said we need to get to a certain supermarket because there was a sale going on and enquired where I was going first. I said I need to go and get Mickey some nuts and a few things at the pet market. When we were done there, my next stop was the fruit and veg market. There I had stacked the trolley to the brim with things I needed to get. When we got to the check out and the stuff was passed over the scanner, I noticed that EVERYTHING going through was fruits, veggies, juices, yogurt, cheese and some more nuts - all for Mickey and NOT ONE article in there was for me. Next stop was the shop mom wanted to go to. I went along and came out of that store with a few bags filled with - - yes you guessed, toys and treats for Mickey. When I got back home, my purse was just about empty as I packed away the things my mom said "You know what, you really are spoiling Mickey because not one article you bought this morning was for yourself" I could not argue because it was indeed so. I could not wait to get started with preparing his veggies and fruits, and making a fresh batch of Birdie Mash. THIS WAS WHEN I KNEW, MY BOY HAD ME WHERE HE WANTED MOMMY, ======and I dont care, i just love him. We played with the new toys on mommys bed once he helped with the Birdie Mash and had a ball with all the different veggies and fruits being peeled and prepared. What more can a mommy want than to see her boy enjoying all the things she bought him. He was sitting on my shoulder this evening preening himself AND me and I could tell by the way he was staring into my eyes with his mushy eyes and soft grunting baby noises he was making that my boy is happy and he loves mommy too.

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Guest candismalli

My baby definately owns me. He just turned a year old. On his hatchdate I was in the ER and I felt bad I couldn't celebrate it with him. The next day my kids wanted cupcakes for the celebration, so they had cupcakes, Charley had extra veggies and fruits and I had jello- couldn't eat real food.

A couple of weeks ago my mother in law passed away. We drove 2000 miles in 2 days, spent a day for the funeral etc, and then 2 days driving back. When we were getting everything ready I knew a competant friend was caring for my baby but still felt bad and was worried throught the trip that I would get the cold shoulder when I got home. When we pulled into the drive I heard his call for me and as exhausted as I was I cheered up right away & raced into the house to see him, and he was happy to see me!!

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