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Until tonight I don't think that I have ever seen Tango dig. Does anyone else's Grey do this? He went to the bottom of his cage started ripping the paper and digging at the same time. (I don't have a grate at the bottom) He did this for like 10 minutes and then stopped when my boyfriend started talking to him.


I just find it strange that I haven't seen him do this ever before.

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Thanks Jayd! Well maybe he should learn to clean the rest of his nest aka my house because he seems to leave a mess everywhere he goes. :) I didn't realize that was what he was doing. I wonder why he hasn't done it before in front of people. I didn't think it was anything medical because he is acting fine, it was just so weird.

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Remember, Greys are still wild animals, in something over 200,0000 years they might become domesticated, even so it's amazing they know these things from heredity. Being that you keep their nest/home clean, their not as inclined to clean it on their own. With time you'll be surprized at what your baby will do from their natural instinks...

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Felix has always been a digger. Freaked me out the first time I saw him do it. He only does it when we are home and he is in his cage and wants out. I've videoed him numerous times when we are away and he doesn't do it. It's only if he is in his cage and he knows we are nearby.

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