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Greys with other birds?


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Ok, so I have Tuki my CAG, and also I have Loki, a yellow sided Green Cheeked Conure. Their cages are next to each other, and never has their been any signs of aggression. If Tuki is out, he sits on Loki's cage and they feel tongues through the bars! I am dying to let them out together, but terrified incase a fight starts! I've seen pics of Greys with Budgies, so know it can be done, but Loki is a lot smaller. Does anybody let their Greys interact with other birds? Thanks.

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It only takes one brief moment for the smaller bird to sustain a life threatening injury or loose a foot or beak. Definitely never turn your back on them constant supervision. Right now there is a Senegal at my house waiting to be placed at the Sanctuary who has a split lower beak due to an injury given by an Amazon who was his buddy. There is also a Cockatiel at who lost toes when climbing on a Greys cage at his first home. Better safe than sorry.

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I'm not sure why my birds of three different origins get along. Sunconure and Amazon are bonded. Sophie the grey is the leader. Kiki the amazon will be out with sophie my grey. They keep space between them, but never fight. If sophie is annoying kiki, kiki lets her know with a certain squack! Sophie will stop. All cage doors are open 24/7, but birdroom is closed when I'm not here. I've had them for over a decade though. Maybe it takes time to develop the trust between them. Nancy

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Thank you Nancy for your reply. They have been side by side for almost 5 years, and I have never seen any aggression. Sometimes their cages get accidentally pushed together, and I've never seen any problems. I think. I will wait until my partner is home one day, then open their cages, so he's here too if there are any problems.

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I think they deserve the chance to see how it goes! Of course, be there for supervision. I know they can empathise. Sunny our sunconure who is a rescue is very old. We don't know how old he is. Kiki is bonded with him, but several months ago, he was losing alot of weight, vet couldn't find anything wrong. It was determined old age. Kiki stopped sleeping with him soon after. For a week, I found Sophie sleeping next to him, which made me worry even more he was dying. He started putting weight back on, Kiki is sleeping with him again. Sophie ignoring him once again. Back to normal! YAY! I have encouraged their friendship thruout the years, but know it is unusual for birds of different species to get along. I am lucky they care about each other, and have worked it out. Nancy

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It was always my expectation, that if I adopted birds ( I had no interest in the beginning), birds and dogs would get along. I adopted Sunny our sunconure, because he loved my son ryan, at daycare. He was 12 years old. Sunny was out of forever homes, our daycare worker was a foster mom. Sunny took one look at Ryan, fell in love. I didn't want a bird, but I couldn't argue with any animal choosing their owner. Ryan is 21 now. They still have that special bond.

Kiki came home as a baby, when Sean felt he was ready to have a bird. When we went to the petstore, I told him to let the bird pick you! Kiki was all over him! LOL! Sophie came along six months later. My bird. We are lucky they all love each other, get along with the dogs as well. Believe me.... it wasn't as easy as it sounds. It was alot of work. Nancy

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My tag once climbed onto my Parakkeet cage and with her beak ripped out the entire talon on the parakeets foot.....blood everywhere and it happened in the link of an eye...I have 6 birds and NEVER trust them arou d each other without a watchful eye on them. They tolerate each other but rarely play together.

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When we socialized our birds as babies, or adopted, we didn't know any better! We were lucky they all got along. We never considered there could possibly be problems. So we were lucky that it worked! When we would take our birds to get their nails and beak trimmed, the owner would ask " How do you manage to have a sunconure and amazon living in the same cage?" Ummmmm, that was their choice? It was actually. Had three cages, found amazon and sunconure in cage together all the time. Told them... " I'm not cleaning three cages!" Went down to two. We can only encourage socializing, which I know now. We also need to be careful NOT to be stressed out about it when introducing the birds. I wasn't stressed, because I didn't KNOW to be stressed. It was an expectation of me for the birds, to get along! ( I know alot more now!) My ignorance actually helped, but If I was a new parrent, I would want to know what reality is. Nancy

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I have noticed that my CAG and Blackwing Jardine seems to get irritable with one another verry fast. One minute they wil kiss (under supervision) and within a second both of them will fluff up and attack one another. If my CAG does not see her,he will ask me "mommy where is Dolly" constantly but I know why - LOL. I wont leave them alone unsupervised.

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You just never know. I only have one bird, but I know my cats are funny that way. One minute they will be cleaning each others' faces, the next they will be quibbling, hissing and scratching at each other. I don't speak cat, so I don't know what set them off. Are birds like that too I would assume? I know a lot of people who are... ;)

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You just never know. I only have one bird, but I know my cats are funny that way. One minute they will be cleaning each others' faces, the next they will be quibbling, hissing and scratching at each other. I don't speak cat, so I don't know what set them off. Are birds like that too I would assume? I know a lot of people who are... ;)


Captive parrots vie for attention, two grays usually ignore one another unless one feels the other is getting more attention, the same goes for opposite species in the same captive flock. Instead of fighting, they challenge for position. All our parrots are weary of our Grey Cheek, he's never done anything to them, but he teases them with his presents. With that said, there are some parrots that just won't or can't socialize, these make good breeders[most cases]...Thanks Jay

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