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Found out the hard way!


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Our heater/ AC unit quit working this weekend. We didn't figure it out thought until Saturday after hours of course. Sunday was great, warm weather thank heaven. Storms were supposed to hit Monday and i had jury duty, but the temp was upper 60's. Repair man came this evening and found out that the unit was fine, there is something up with the electrical. I freaked and paniced as a cold front is moving in tomorrow. This poor guy was scared to death of the birds but understood my panic about it. He very calmly said," your guys will be just fine, use your emergeny heat." Pat and i looked at him like he was crazy. We bought this unit in 06, what is he talking about? Lol Turns out we bought a unit with a back up! It has both heat and air if our outside unit fails. Thank goodness cuz the electrican can't come till the weekend. So, something to think about when replacing your unit! It also has a built in humidifier. Lol, who knew!

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Wow nice to have a backup didn't know that was possible. It was -11 here this past week at night. Guess what, my furnace broke and would only come on sometimes. It was 52 degrees when I woke up 2 mornings. My poor birds......I rushed to put small heaters towards their cages. They were cold, but did okay.

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I keep it between 72 -74 inside, my nudist shakes with it any cooler. Fireplace keeps the living room warm but then the rest of the house is like an igloo, i have not done a fire in years! Had to turn on the emergency heat this morning to take the chill out. 80 yesterday, 45 this morning, gesh.

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Lol, our bill was topping $500.00 before the fids! We bought a new unit in 06 being told that would help it. It did, dropped to the $400.00, yeah! Lol hubby called the electric company and found a plan that worked well with our usage now and our highest bill was this past December, it hit $250.00. Moral of this story, after living someplace 24 years, call your electric company, the plans change and they don't you!

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