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Bird proofing a home


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I think it would be great, to help new bird owners, what we do, to bird proof a home. I'm sure, we will all help each other as well. I plug all electrical outlets. I have no blinds with strings. anytime I am boiling water, doors get closed. We never use the front door. Anytime we go in or out the house, is thru the garage. Just a start, on safety. Nancy

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Great thread Nancy!


Things to bird proof : Wires, medicines, cleaning supplies, toothpicks, salt and spices, coffee beans, Rubber bands, pens and pencils, paper clips, coins, dollar bills, keys they are toxic. Remote control, they will chew off all the buttons, all keyboards, batteries, cell phones, scissors, makeup, all things that have to be hidden at all times in my house. Cat boxes, my amazon wants to play in it....


As Nancy said, use the garage door for entry, even with guests! I had glass storm doors put on all my doors,many guess what, my guests are stupid enough to hold them open and slowly walk in or out even tho I tell them NOT too. I had a few close calls, and now it's the garage or don't come in. Even pizza delivery guys go to the garage.


Oh, and hide the fruit, my birds will eat a bite out of every one, no more fruit bowls on the counter. Also, my grey LOVES to throw things on the flood, blows and plates, especially till they smash in a million pieces!

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Oh, one other safety thing. My birds have a habit of quickly flying to the top ofthe door in a split second as I am closing the door, front door or bathroom door. I have twice not checked before I closed it, and got their foot stuck in the door while they screamed until I opened the door.......luckily there was nothing broken, only swelling and cuts that bled and a bird holding their foot up for 2 days cause it was so sore.....:( now I LOOK up before I close all doors. Don't want to ever feel that badly agai.

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Great thread and is it possible to bird proof your home I find having eyes in the back of your head is still not enough, today I left my work jacket on the chair Alfie very kindly chewed the plastic off the pull cord from round the bottom this was done in record time!

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aw64... lol! Gotta keep ahead! You have no idea how many times I get to work in scrubs and Sophie has already NAILED me! My co-workers know all about Sophie!

Talon... excellent post and reminder of things we don't think about. I too open garage door for pizza. Kiki escaped once and climbed up neighbors tree years ago. Our ladder went so far. We waited and coaxed for hours. She finally came down. That instituted garage door only policy and it has worked. I've always been looking on the floor to keep Sophie safe. Now that she is flying like a crazy girl, I'm trying to get use to looking up. Good point about the door. My latest concern regarding safety, is Sophie can now turn on the faucet in the kitchen. Sean when home from college found her knee deep after he let her out and went to take a shower. Luckily, she hadn't turned on hot water.( he didn't tell me for a few days... knew I would freak out!) Nancy

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