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Is this a molt


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I'm a little nervous right now. I found 6 feathers in Neytiri's cage when I got home and now two more came out in my hand while petting her. She now has a patch between her wings on her upper back that is just down feathers. She will be 10 mo on the 11th. Here's the feathers from earlier.





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Thank you so much, there's some very slight stress mark in a couple of the large feathers, but that's old, no problem. Is your baby getting sunlight each day or indoor UVB2 Full spectrum indoor lighting? Work on the diet and see if you can get your baby to eat more Dark Green leafy veggies. Don't for get the palm oil, does she like it?, Even in the coldest winter months, they need bathing, and aloe spray, no drafts, and let air dry.....thanks Jayd

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She likes the palm oil. I don't give it everyday though. Been trying to get her to eat the greens but she just throws them. She eats lots of other veggies rice barley and grains as well as cooked beans. She picks at pellets. She also gets a bath every weekend. And air dries.


This am I saw one cere is wet :(. I will be calling the vet when I get to the office. She's acting different in any other way so hopefully it's nothing major.


Regarding the feathers coming out. So is it a molt??

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It's about the right time for the first molt. The feathers look like they have fallen out rather than being chewed or destroyed, so that's a good note. Are there any new pin feathers coming in? Any down? The body and tail pictures you posted look fine. I would expect you have a molt going on.


I wouldn't be overly concerned, but keep an eye out for any changes. Of course, don't hesitate to schedule a visit to your avian vet for a check up if you have any questions or concerns.

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Jellybean is loosing too. Big ones only during flight, but bunches of small ones.

He does not like the red palm oil, but I will microwave and try again. He actually started eating Kale the other day. Usually he will throw it out, but I have it to him again and it was gone:)

The light is important. thank you. will get that fixed soon.

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