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Hi..I am Iffkica proud owner of CAG 6 months old girl. Her name is Puki :)

I have her for one week now...in this very short period she started to be very attached to my husband & me. She likes to cuddle, she doesnt bite, very gentle creature:) in first few days we didnt lock the cage so she was outside all the time ( we did it cause her cage was to small ), now we bought her a big cage but now she doesent want to be in the cage at all, also I didnt see her playing with her toys.

Hope I will find all answers on this forum :)

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Thank you for your reply :) I am just worried cause I know they can have problems if they are bored, and if she is in here cage while my husband & me are at work...not playing with toys, what I can do to make her feel comfortable???

P.S. I always play some music or shows for her while we are not in the house:)

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in first few days we didnt lock the cage so she was outside all the time ( we did it cause her cage was to small ), now we bought her a big cage but now she doesent want to be in the cage at all, also I didnt see her playing with her toys.

Hope I will find all answers on this forum :)


Welcome iffkica, it's Greyt having you here. :)


As many first time grey owners do, you made a small mistake by allowing puki free rein by leaving the cage door open 24/7. To ensure we humans and greys get along and in a safe environment, we set the expectations for them. The cage is new and different to puki as well as your home and every item in it. It is important that you leave puki in the cage when you are gone for her safety and also as the place she will soon look at as her safe place she can chill or play in.


It may take her a while to get used to new toys as you described before she decides to go near and check them out. As others mentioned, paper wadded up, maybe a small card board box on the bottom of the cage etc. will give her something she will take to quickly and have fun shredding it up.


We have a ton of good articles on this forum. Please explore and look for them as you have questions for quick reading. here is on on toys you may find helpful: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?104327-Introducing-new-Toys.

Edited by danmcq
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Hello Iffkica and welcome to our family.

Congrats on your new addtion of Puki and yes when they spend a lot of time out of the cage sometimes they don't want to go back but the cage is all new to her so it takes some time for her to feel comfortable in it, remember greys take to change slowly so you have to allow them time to adjust.

She sounds like a real sweetheart but understand the cuddling may not last as she grows and matures. Also some greys have to be shown how to play with their toys, you can help her to want to play by getting some of them with you on the floor with her and act like you are having a wonderful time with them and it will encourage her to join in, they love to feel a part of everything going on in the household.

I assume that is her in your avatar but if you have some more pictures of her you would share with us we would love to see them.

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