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Up date to those of you following Alfie & me


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Great news again guys!

Had a bit of a rough day yesterday but last night was great loads of tickle tickle ect sat on my leg with just a lamp on then bed time no problem step up and straight in.

Today took Alfie with me to each room I was in but each time he landed on shoulder shrugged him off and he did give up, when i shower he stands on top of bathroom door but today came onto shower screen and stayed a while, thats getting better, and just the best bit......, put some treats in cage which I have been doing for few days now he flew to top of cage watched me do it so i said do you want to go in offered my hand said step up and in he went yippy!!!! sooooo happy couldn't wait to put computer on and share my news with you guys, all your advice tips ect are working so well for us, a big thank you again.

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Thats a good experience for you both. You will have good days and bad. The important thing to keep doing is being consistent with your interactions and trying to control your emotions when things are not working on a day he just decides he wants to be left alone. Believe me, every grey has days they wish to just chill on their own and they will decide when some closer interaction is desired on their terms. :)

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