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Number of toys?


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Marco has a rope swing, 3 perches at various levels and like 7 toys of various size, and shape for instance she has her lil cell phone as I call it that makes noise and says words its hanging from the side of her cage she loves to smash it against the bars lol i have a toy hanging from the main perch so if she on the bottom of the cage theres something there she can play with she has 2 foreging toys filled with snacks that she hasta work at to get the suprise inside. Most toys are wooden or a wicker like shreddable material some with bells on them and one toy .. her favorite it a roll of adding machine paper that she shreds :D

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As many as will fit that and still allow him to move around, yet keep him entertained. I change them as he gets bored, or destroys them.


It is important as you said to have plenty of room for them to move around without bumping in to toys. I don't know about others greys or parrots, but Dayo gets very active at various times with his toys. Another thought as well, is the number of and spacing of toys depends on the cage size. I ensure Dayo has plenty of room between toys because he likes to hang upside down, attack them by biting and also flaps his wings at times and spins around a little. Keeping them spaced properly guards them from hitting wings on other items or bars and accidentally damaging primaries for example. He has a huge cage, so I can have 4 to 5 various types of toys depending on how large they may be.

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Alfie has 4 perches, a swing with toy on it, 2 ropes, 2 hanging toys, roll of paper to shread, latest is a small plastic flower pot at side of cage attached with cable tie and I put foot toys and treats in it, like everyone else has said they get changed to stop him getting fed up with them, and always try to position things so he can flap his wings, he also has play stand for out of cage one up stairs and one down stairs with loads on them, not that he stays on them that much but it is getting better.

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I keep three in the cages, three on the play gym. A basket of foot toys on top of refrig for Kiki. Popsicle sticks in a basket in family room that Sophie loves. Bells get changed out routinely for Sunny. He is bell crazy. I rotate toys out like everyone else. Sophie is more of a " search and destroy" kinda girl. More social. Wants to be with everyone. We are her toys. She IS fond of cloth books, she loves to be read to. ( regular books too!) She also enjoys younger toddler games, such as: see'n say, anything that a ball can roll down. She is easily entertained, but doesn't enjoy entertaining herself. Nancy

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