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Sleep cage?


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So we bought the cage that we will be using for our baby CAG that comes home next month which I've redecorated a billion times with different toys, perches, etc. (I'm not completely excited for this baby btw). Anyway, today when I got home from work I found that hubby bought a sleep cage for the baby as well. We had been discussing it the past few weeks due to the fact that the baby's cage is going in our family room/game room. Every other weekend we host a party with our friends & family in that room to entertain. Since this would throw off the baby's sleep pattern, we thought about just having a sleep cage in a different room of the house.


Now my questions.. do you think a sleep cage is a good idea? If so, is this something we should make routine (every night) even when we aren't hosting the party? What about toys in the sleep cage? The sleep cage would be on a completely different floor than our family room and the other cage. If a sleep cage isn't a good idea, it'll just end up being a back up cage anyway (it's slightly smaller than our original cage).

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There are many people that use a sleep cage for their birds. If you are going to do that, it should be the routine you use every night and your grey will expect it to happen. I will say, as your grey becomes used to the family and friends, it will want to party as well and be a bugger to get to bed. :)

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My tag has a sleep cage. It has food, water and a few toys in it as well as a sleep hut that she sleeps on top of. She does eat late at night or early morning in it. Works well for her, she loves the quiet and gets mad nd bangs her bell if I'm noisy in the room.

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Hubby came up with a new question for the sleep cage. This cage will be in our den. When he's doing some work in the den and would like to have the baby with him during the day, would it be ok for him to be in that cage or will it really confuse the baby about whether its time for bed? Should we just say 'time for bed" when it is indeed that time to make it distinctive..? Thanks!

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My tag has a sleep cage. It has food, water and a few toys in it as well as a sleep hut that she sleeps on top of. She does eat late at night or early morning in it. Works well for her, she loves the quiet and gets mad nd bangs her bell if I'm noisy in the room.


This is really good advice and we've practiced it for years. Food and water, 24/7, have a good seed mix available at all times no mater where your baby is.

You asked :When he's doing some work in the den and would like to have the baby with him during the day, would it be ok for him to be in that cage?

If the door is left open, no problem, it's his home away from home, don't feed him meals in it, [seed mix always], And yes, always refer to it as bed time. Have a play pen, or play top too.....

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They quickly associate words with actions, so the baby will quickly learn what bed time means. As Jay said, if the door is open and someone is in the room, the baby won't be confused. I was listening to Timber "practicing" on the birdie cam the other day. He said "time to go night night" in a rather sing-song voice. It is lowering to hear how stupid I sound when he says it... ;)

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