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Update on Alfie


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Hi guys, I'm pleased to report things are going well thanks to all the support and advice on here.

Have found getting Alfie back into cage is so much easyer if its dark, much less stress for both of us.

During the day is getting better I now hide treats in his cage so he is slowly starting to think maybe its not so bad going home after all.

We have spent alot of time in my bedroom so its just us and he will sit on my legs lapping up tickle tickle (head rubs), this has cut down head and shoulder perching as I'm sat on my bed with my back against the wall which makes it harder for him to land.

Lots of steps ups with treats, bed covered in pumpkin seeds!

Also doing step up onto a hand held perch, thats going well to.

Tea towel now lay across top of TV and so far has not landed on it so thats solved that problem with out stress (for now), telephone has become the latest toy!!

Even during the day when out and he lands on my head its getting better at getting him to step up onto my hand, have used lots of the tips you guys gave me and things are much improved, thank you all so much we are doing pretty good at the moment, I'v always had dogs and understand its the owner that needs training, and this is the same but different rules and you guys are training me to be a much better compainion to Alfie, I love him so much!


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