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Our Rehomed Friends are swearing a LOT now. *Ares and Apollo*


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:( Ares and Apollo are both under 2 years old. And are Swearing up a STORM.


And i admit im not a prude at all.Matter fact ? i have been THE Admin for one of the most famous Heavy Metal singers in the world for 14 years On a vBulletin based site So it is not a Shock , BUT i don't talk that way in the "Least".


What do i Do ?


They have loved me and preened me like we are all married. We are a flock now.

But i feel there has to be something we can do to stop the potty mouth ?



Thoughts ?

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My rehomed came to us knowing a few bad words. It took him a few months to say them in our home. Once he dropped the f bomb at such a perfect time and with such shock in the tone and dragged it out as another of our fids did a fly by over his head and scared the crap out of him. As funny as it was we made no reaction, walked outside and then laughed until we cried. Try really hard to ignore it. My umbrella called me a sh@#head last night after a bath, again i had to go outside. He came to us in November, had no idea he knew bad words.

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Thank you so much guys. :) That is what i was kind of thinking of as well. Don't react to them and ignore that. they have been awake now for a few hours and nothing like that has been said as of yet.

But the day is early. lol

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Oh my boy heard the "F" word from my teenage brother. Well the other day I had him at our Avian Vet whom worked a little rough with him. When he let go of him and put him on the examination table, he darted accros to me and when he got to me he turned around and then said " I am "F" ing angry!! SToppit!!!. Both the doctor and myself looked at one another - i was horrified and we could not help but to giggle in our sleeves. You have to be SO carefull around these wondefull animals. I love him to death.

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