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RIP Lilly


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I lost my Llliy who was only 4 moths old, she was fine when i put her to bed, the following morning she was only standing on one leg, I took her to the vets, he said she probably hurt her foot climbing. He gave me some metacam to ease the pain, I only gave her half a drop in some yoghurt. Later that night she became really lethargic, I thought it was the metacam. At around 8pm she couldn’t use her other leg and just laid on my stomach.

She died at 5am. I was gutted, she was such a loveable bird, I miss her so much. Its bad enough loosing her but not knowing how she died makes it worst. That day I took her to the vets, he then said she may have bumped her head or had a stroke, he assured me it wasn’t the metacam.

I didn’t want to put her through the autopsy so I left it at that. I now have a three month old Lilly 2 who also is an African Congo, she already does the full wolf whistle and is just as loveable. She hasn’t taken too well to the dogs though, they stay well clear of her. It really does help take the pain away having another one, just hope nothing happens to her.

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