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Thru the eyes of a non bird person


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My sister and brother-in-law came to visit me for a week. My sister was too scared to bond with the birds. My brother-in-law was curious. " Is your bird okay?" she is farting, coughing, sneezing. I promised him, she was okay.

She was trying to " regurg"... he recognized it. He asked... " Is she hungry"? Do you need me to help feed her? He was completely fascinated by her. It was interesting to see how a person that has no understanding of a grey, take an interest. Sophie liked my brother-in-law. She found him interesting! Nancy

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He wasn't quite brave enough to pick her up, even when she lifted her foot to him and demanded up! Maybe next time. LOL!It was good to see he recovered from his last visit when he slept on the couch ( he snores), and when I came down to the kitchen , opened bird room like I always do, Kiki flew in and landed on his shoulder. He slept thru it and she was quiet as a mouse so I didn't get her. When he woke up it was to Kiki's smiling face! ( of coarse I could see them from the kitchen.) Nancy

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