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I am really noticing mood changes depending on what is going on in the house.


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Usually I am very predictable person, which I thought made me a good parrot parent.

However, our lives have been turned upside down; I am having my master bath remodeled and workers have been in the house for seven straight days now. I am reluctant to have Jellybean out with people constantly coming and going. In addition, my husband and I have been staying up a lot later than usual, which resulted in everybody getting a lot less sleep. He is deploying in two weeks and we are trying to spend as much time together as possible.

Jellybean was almost unbearable yesterday. Calling out all day long. If I let him out of his cage he would fly to my fish tank and try to wreck havoc on it. Somehow he turns down the heater and my fish do not like it! If I put him back in his cage he calls out again, round and round we go.

I made it a point and retired at 8 p.m. last night, which resulted in Jellybean getting much more needed sleep.

The day started out with more calling. I ignored it and then let him out when he was quiet. As a reward. The fish tank is still in the running, but he is now whistling and making some other noises. I also noticed that he will not eat as much during the day if I leave him out all day long. So on occasion I close the cage and he will eat, then I open the door again. I just don't want him to think that every time he get's into the cage the door is being closed.

So for now, with much needed sleep and food, my bird is perched on top of his cage and whistling away:)

For now.....



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Jellybean is stressed. They don't handle change well. The slightest.This is a big stressor for him. I wouldn't ignore any of his calls as hard as it is during the changes. For us, the stressors are ridiculous, but for them, they are real. When Sophie was stressed, even for the most unreasonable moments, I responded. This created the trust. Once she trusted me, I could tell her, " I will keep you safe!" She trusts me with her life now. She knows I will not let any harm come to her. Any new changes in our house, she will say " ROM?" I will tell her it is okay. This is what we are doing. Nancy

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The others have given good thoughts on this in regards them feeling your stress.


Greys will call out if your not in sight, which may be one reason he is doing this. I don't know Jellybeans personality and I believe you are still learning his. But one thought based on how my grey reacts to projects going on in the house and just people coming over. He wants to be in the middle of it, see who's here and what we or they are doing. If he is in his cage because we do not want him out for example during this visit or project. He will call and climb all over his cage doing his best to get us to let him out and be a part of it. If he is out, he will fly to wherever the action and people are or want us to take him on our shoulder to where it is so he can see. If we do not take him, he will do fly-by's and get quick snapshots in his mind of whats causing the noise or where and what is taking place. He just wants to be a part of whats going on.


From the description of jellybeans actions, he does not sound as much stressed to me, as he wants to know where you are and whats going on. Normally if a grey is stressed, they will be shaking, sometimes with feathers fluffed and will flap or bolt away from the source causing them anxiety.

Edited by danmcq
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Great responses everyone! I recall how when I had my kitchen redone how much Sophie wanted to be part of the action! I was working... but one worker in particular became fascinated by Sophie. I would let her hang out with him when I was off when he wasn't doing anything dangerous. She was thrilled, he was thrilled.Going thru any home renovation is so hard on parents and birds. Nancy

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Dan I believe you were right.

I had some painting to do in the bathroom this afternoon and Jellybean went nuts in his cage. He could not see me. People were in and out, just crazy. I could not let him be part of that.

This morning I had him out and one of the workers left my front door open. I completely flipped!

The workers left, I cleaned paint brushes, started to feed my animals and everything returned back to normal.

He is now perched on top of his cage and seems quiet happy.

I can see how he would be distressed, not knowing what is going on. My dogs feel it too, but they are easier pleased.

Thanks for helping out guys!

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