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"Where's The Monkey?"


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In a seaprate post I mentioned that when it comes to talking sometimes Gracie speaks very cognitively and meaningfully and at other times she likes to repeat sounds she likes ad nauseum. Well a few weeks ago she was on a kick with "Where's the monkey? Ooh Ooh Ohh Ahh Ahh Ahh:. Here is a small sample of what sometimes went on for 15-20 minutes. One thing you will notice at the beginning of the video is her saying "Step Up" while raising her foot. So I guess this video represents both words with meaning and words simply for the way they sound.



Edited by JeffNOK
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Very cute. Sterling Gris has decided that he loves to repeat this: I want to come out. Open the door. I want out. Hello Sterling. He changes emphasis on certain words as he repeats this or parts of it. Changing it around in his hopes that I will come let he out! Hopefully he will choose other phrases soon because hearing this when the sun comes up is not my cup of tea.


I love to hear how Gracie is changing in her interactions with you. She certainly knows what she wants and how to get it. Smart little lady!

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Gracie is very clear when speaking. I enjoyed watching this video. I got the feeling you had left the room and she was calling to you using "Wheres the Monkey"? Your right about one thing. They will repeat phrases over and over at times. :)

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Yes Dan, although Gracie has allowed me to film her "in person" in recent weeks--I still tend to set up the cam and leave the room when I film her. My friends were amused that she called for the monkey when I left the room--as if she thinks of me as a fur challenged simian.

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Yep yep, that's just like Jasper. Jasper was doing the whole "ooh ohh ohh ahh ahh" for a short while but seems to have lost interest in it since the chicken. I'll have to see if I can get him recorded doing it. It's really cute when he sometimes says it like "cheek-in". Gracie's really sweet, what other silly things does she say?

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She does four animal sounds--monkey, cat, chicken and dog. The only "authentic" sound is the dog. The others are imitations of my imitations. The things I find cute that Gracie says are:


Gracie is a stinker

Gracie is a smartypants

Gracie looooves TOY! (said while attacking toy)

Stretchy Stretchy (said while stretching legs or wings)

Gracie wanna kiss--no bite! (the no bite was added about a month ago after she bit me. Now she says it to assure me of her good intentions.)

Daddy is a good boy! (flattery will get her whatever she wants!)


I''ve kept a list of her expressions, and so far she says about 55 phrases (with well over 100 words).


She will be 18 months old tomorrow. Time really flies.

Edited by JeffNOK
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Gracie sounds like a very bright girl! It's funny how at a certain age it's almost like someone flipped a switch. Jasper is coming up on 14 mos and he shocked me there last week with suddenly blurting out a whole sentence. And yesterday I was saying I figured he forgot about the monkey...no..I wish I knew were I stuck my webcam. He was a chatterhead when I got home from work today. While I was in the kitchen doing dishes I heard " monkey...oh oh oh ah ah!...chicken...bawk bawk bawk bah-kek... bad bird..bad...bird bird bird...whatcha gon do...whatcha..tickle" LOL I've been trying to teach him the bad bird song and nothing...then suddenly he's nearly doing the whole thing. This sudden putting words together is another new and amazing step.

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