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Hello from Norway

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Hello everyone!


I am new here but not so new to the fascinating world of grays :)


I am a CAG and TAG owner from Norway, I was googling for informations about how to tame a untamed Timneh and came upon your forums, I thought of joining right away!


I've had a CAG when I was a kid and he lived with us for a whole 6 years before his original owner claims him, and since then I did not think of adopting a new CAG until recently when my father surprised me with one who is only 3 and half months old, he was quite handful at first few days but I was so happy to be with the little guy he have his own character.


I previously posted in the African Grey forum so please read the whole story of my new adoption here

Link: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/african-grey/38966-my-timneh.html#38966

I am posting two pictures of my birds, CriCri (CAG) and Sukar-Sukar (TAG)





Nice meeting you all :D


- Jujube<br><br>Post edited by: jujubechan, at: 2007/10/14 03:37

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Hello and welcome to the family, Jujube, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and these two lovely greys. How nice to have a Cag and a Tag.


How wonderful that your father surprised you with this beautiful grey and it is a lovely one at that. I know it will be well cared for since you have previous experience with greys.


You could probably tell us a few things about greys with your knowledge and we would be so blessed if you would share some of your stories you must have with previous ownership of a Cag.


If you have any specific questions you would like to ask please do, we will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


Thanks for posting the pictures of your flock, they are beautiful creatures as you well know.

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