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Do some greys just not like to be scratched/petted?

Arecibo's Mum

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Our little 7 month old is funny... she's gotten much more outgoing in the 6 weeks we've had her. She even dive-bombed us in bed the other day from her play perch. Just jumped right over and landed on my pillow before walking across our heads and taking a stroll around the duvet. lol She is stepping up really well most of the time, to myself, my significant other, and his son. But she's got a bit of a cranky side and doesn't seem at all interested in having her feathers scritched or really being touched. Think this is something she might warm up to, or do some greys just never develop an appreciation for "house pet" type physical contact?

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My CAG Gracie has never liked being scratched or petted. She is now a year and a half and she will allow beak kisses and she will touch my hand or cheek with her beak. She may allow more touching later, or she may not. It used to bother me that she didn't seem to like hands or touch--but we are so bonded now i don't care that much. Be pateint and see what happens.

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Misty will accept beak rubs at almost any time but neck rubs and skritches are only permitted at his invitation with "Tickle tickle" or "Your alright" otherwise he will just move away from me. I always feel honoured when he makes the request.:) He does not like his wings or tail touched at any time.


Steve n Misty

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Sophie is a snuggler. More into head and chin scratches. HATES her feathers rubbed and God forbid I pet her stomache, I might as well commit the ultimate sin! Her feelings are actually hurt! LOL! There have been times that she got herself in a precarious situation, it was best for her to " let go"... she did, but ended on her back in my hands. She trusted me to " let go", but she had no plans to land on her back in my hands.OMG! I think she thinks I can control the universe, especially gravity. Sometimes I disappoint. Nancy

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I have 2 greys and they are very different. One LOVES to cuddle up next to you, rest her belly on the couch and insists on constant rubbing, patting, beak rubbing, soft gentle little pats as she naps. If I dare stop, she will beak my fingers or lightly nip them and put her head under them to get me to continue.

My other one will occasionally when she allows it, will want the top of her head lightly petted with only one finger in about 3/4 inch strokes for about 4 times, then she peeps loudly and nips you letting me know STOP! She will do this for a few and then she's done.

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Jasper is one of those "only on my terms" kind of guys. I started off making the mistake thinking I could take the sort of liberties with him that that lady who fed him did. Wrong. I quickly learned that it's best to ask. I will hold up a finger and crook it a bit and ask if he wants a scritch. If I get a stare, that means no, if he wants scritches he will lower his head. These days however he has turned into a scritch monster. He loves having his head rubbed and petted, I'm guessing some of that has to do with him molting. I can feel the new feathersheaths but they don't stand out like they do on my gcc and he doesn't hold still enough to let me loosen them. He's gotten to the point now where I can gently run my fingers just under his wing (they are really soft under there) for a moment. Though he's still young I'm not trying to encourage anything with him, I just want him to be comfortable with having his wings touched a little.


It did seem to take Jasper a while to settle in and some of it could be a trust issue. I think that might have been Jasper's problem. He's not the same bird I brought home and I think my respecting his wishes and not pushing that sort of attention on him really worked wonders.

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Felix is 7 months old and so far he is a huge cuddler and loves his scratches. However, he can be picky as to who he wants to scratch him. He will let my husband and 3 year old daughter pet him anytime at all. He is a bit more picky with me but I can usually coax him into it. However, he will sit on my chest and loves for me to place one hand over his back and scratch his head with the other hand. He will sit like this for hours if I will. I hope he is always like this!

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Brutus is a snuggle bug! He excels at soliciting scratches, kisses, head rubs, neck rubs, and even big birdy hugs- especially at night. He likes being rocked like a baby too. When he raises his wings, he likes the sides of his body stroked. I even rub his toes. He will sit in my lap until the cows come home. I guess they just have different temperaments.

Edited by chezron
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Brutus is a snuggle bug! He excels at soliciting scratches, kisses, head rubs, neck rubs, and even big birdy hugs- especially at night. He like being rocked like a baby too. When he raises his wings, he likes the sides of his body stroked. I even rub his toes. He will sit in my lap until the cows come home. I guess they just have different temperaments.


Are you sure he's not a 'too in disguise??

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