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Neytiri is talking!! She says birdie birdie birdie really fast. Didn't realize it till the woman at the bird shop said that is what she was doing. I also think I've heard her say "work" and "out". Can't wait to see what else she will say.



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If she's anything like Gracie my CAG, Neytiri may well go from zero to sixty before you can blink. At one year-old Gracie said about 10 words. Then all of a sudden she just started throwing new words out evey few days. She is almost a year and a half and has well over 100 words in her active vocabulary. Keep us posted on Neytiri. It can be very interesting and funny to hear what they come up with and when they choose to use their "speech." Of course grey speech can be a mixed blessing. Gracie once spent about 30 minutes just repeating "Where's the monkey?--Ooh Ooh Ooh Ahh Ahh Ahh!". When they like the sound of something, they can get OCD about it. On the other hand, Gracie often speaks intelligently in context and we have "conversations" of sorts that narrate our daily lives. It has brought us closer to be able to communicate meaningfully.

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That's pretty funny. I've been noticing this about Jasper too. Suddenly he'll just blurt something out that I wasn't even trying to teach him. And just like Jeff said..Jasper was doing "ohh ohh ohh" sort of sound so I encouraged it, tried to improve it and teach him "monkey". That didn't go anywhere (for now, he's probably filed it away for later) but he was doing something similar to a chicken. Once again I taught him an improved version and right now that's *all* he does. And oh yes, they *understand* words, no one can tell me they don't. My friend and I were talking about something just in the hallway outside my room and for whatever I reason I said "chicken" and he immediately starting making chicken noises lol


Something else he has suddenly started in the last couple days is "the birdie drinks the water *gulpgulpgulp*" usually when it's feed and fresh watering time.

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Greys seem to especially love catchy phrases. Sophie is fascinated with the musical " The Sound of Music." She LOVES the songs. The song " Do, Re, Me" is especially fascinating to her. She dances to most of the songs. On the slow songs, she listens and say's " Ahhhhh".

She also loves poems. Dr. Seuss has always been a favorite for her. I started reading these books to her when she was younger. She still enjoys them. Nancy

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So excited for you having a bird starting to talk. I found it fascinating! I got as excited for Sophie to say a new word, as I did when kids were toddlers. Its amazing. Reading, singing and whistling. Very important to Sophie. I was left behind, when teenagers started rapping with her. ( clean songs only!) She still raps with them. They give her a head motion and sound, she goes crazy. Its a thing between the kids and Sophie, I'm not a part of it. I'm okay with that. Nancy

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