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Update -Chico talking up a storm/Friends with Fig


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Well I havent been posting due to holidays and working alot of hours so I wanted to give an update.WOW does Chico talk,whistle make all kinds of noises now. Even says words and sounds like me! So surprised how well he is doing in only 2 mos with him My Fig(amazon) and him are best of buds. They talk together it is like a mad house with both of them talking different words at the same time I can't hear the tv lol. He still sounds squeaky but more and more clearer words. I am hoping he picks up Figs singing and counting.


I worry that Fig and Chico bonded so good already that they will want each other than me and my family. I really am trying to keep both of them busy with playing and talking with them. I don't want to loose my relationship with Fig and want Chico to become even more friendly with me. He always wants to be with me,wants on my shoulder but I don;t let him until he learns that the shoulder is not the answer to being with me. He is getting there slowly.


Any suggestions I should do that I might not be doing to keep Fig and Chico friends but not loose my trust would be appreciated. I have read that parrots can bond together and forget us which I don't want to happen.

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