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Plucking :(


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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I got excited too soon :(


DJ is definitely molting. When I scratch his head, tiny feathers fall down like snowflakes and I feel pins. When I saw he was molting I decided (now kicking myself) to use a bird bath spray that I've used in the past before we had plucking issues. The spray has aloe and preening oil, I started using it on Wednesday, used it again on Thursday...then Friday I noticed his face was a little red and thought he might be having a reaction to the spray. Didn't use it again but didn't use Avitech either, I was worried about piling on different products, I should have given him a fresh water shower - kicking myself again. Friday when I got home from work, I noticed lots of different size grey feathers on the floor...I attributed it to the molt because since he's been plucking, I've only seen pins and down feathers. Saturday came around and I saw more grey feathers on the floor, when I picked him up, I noticed he did more plucking damage in that 24 hours than he has since this all began months ago - how can it be?????? He pulled all those feathers from his neck and chest and now when he's dry, the bald spots are very noticeable where as before he had to be wet to see them. This is the worst of it since we started this journey.


Not sure if it is the molt,the "other" spray, stress or a combo of it all. He was acting stressed out Saturday and again yesterday...pacing, climbing,flapping, randomly taking off from his cage as if he was spooked by something but there was nothing I could see that could have been causing him to just take flight as if frightened. I did notice that the complex landscapers were here yesterday while he as alone and I know DJ doesn't do very well with the sound of their equipment...this could have contributed to him acting so stressed. The only thing that calmed him was when he saw my husband come home from work. He then was very calm, sat on the couch with us for over an hour, played his usual one on one games with hubby and then looked for head scratches from me. He went to bed with no problem but this morning was very aggressive towards me. He was being territorial with his cage....he is NEVER like that with me. I can touch whatever I want and it doesn't phase him. This morning he was standing on his food bowl so I couldn't take it. When I moved to the water bowl he started biting on the bars of his cage like a little beast...and followed me to each bowl acting the same way...biting at the bars on the cage as if trying to attack me for touching "his stuff". I ignored him and put my hand inside his cage to clean up some shredded paper. He lunged as if to bite me...I gave a stern NO, he immediately backed off but was not happy at all. His eyes were pinned and his feathers were all spiked and puffy and he gave me his high pitched chirp of disapproval...but allowed me to do what I had to do. I trusted him not to bite me because he never does. If he would've bit me, I guess I would have had to take one for the team.


When I got home from work today, he was outside of his cage very calm but he knew the shower was coming. He ran inside the cage, I sprayed him while in there and he was very feisty throughout the entire shower. Again biting at the bars of the cage. He is also very aggressive when he is preening...when he dries off after showers, he preens naturally - not plucking, but he has been doing it ferociously...does not look normal. Also aggressive with his shredding toys...he kind of looks psychotic with the way he is ripping at them. Maybe the discomfort of the molt has him like this???? I have no idea what else could be aggravating him.


When I was ordering a new batch of Avitech, I noticed chamomile flower supplement...I just e-mailed the vet to see what he thinks about me giving DJ this to calm him down from this nervous/stressed feeling he has been displaying for a few days. If the vet says no, then I just might drink the entire bottle myself ;)


And this is where we are at right now.

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