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Iv put a couple of threads on lately as I was having big problems getting Alfie back into his cage, we have been working very hard with this problem and its still a problem but today for the 1st time since Iv had him he went into cage on his own I was holding a treat through the bars from the other side, really hope this is the start of progress and not just a one off!

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What we do with our fids is we always hide a treat in the cage when they are out so when they go back to their cage there is something hidden in there for them.

We don`t let them see us put it in there and they always go back and look for there treat.

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It takes a lot of work to get to the place where we can get ahead of these greys when it is something they don't want to do. Congratulations on your happy success. They are a bit self serving so we are always looking for a new method of persuasion. We were lucky that Gilbert only wanted to eat in his cage, so he would go in to eat and we could close the door. We do give him a treat and high praise when he goes in by himself. It took a while, but now when we say we are leaving or going to bed, he hurries right inside because he knows there is an almond or treat in it for him. Alfie will have you cleverly trained in no time and might even let you think it was your own idea.

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aw64... It takes alot of work, to get birds to stepup and down. Sophie learned. She was good with the whole process, went to bed, etc. Oneday, she decided she didn't like the bedtime process... I never rewarded with treats... I probably should have. I had to make a decision on how to get her back to cage. As I didn't offer treats, didn't close their cages... I was very limited in my choices. I decided to " launch her", in front of her cage. Let her make her own decisions. She was surprised! She immediately climbed up on her cage. Lucky now, all birds put themselves to bed. Nancy

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