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Rita and the Boing


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I have had a boing in my closet for a year because Rita was terrified of it. I would like her to be able to play with it. I took it out yesterday and she is scared to death of it. Is there some way I can get her used to it without scaring her?

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Sorry to say, that's pretty common. Nobody seems to appreciate it if you just dump something that size in their cage w/o warning. It may help if you just hang it somewhere accessible, but non-threatening to Rita. Then forget about until she chooses to check it out. Beyond that the solution is trial & error for each bird. And it can take even as much as a year for them to suddenly decide the thing is pretty greyt. But then, one day... :cool:

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We just got an atom. It has been hanging for ten days before Brutus finally started playing on it today. He was interested but scared this whole time. Yesterday I took him up to it and he chewed the rope, so I knew he would get on it soon. He now appears to love it. Play with the boing and just let it sit around, you bird will come around if he sees how fun it is.

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I have had a boing in my closet for a year because Rita was terrified of it. I would like her to be able to play with it. I took it out yesterday and she is scared to death of it. Is there some way I can get her used to it without scaring her?


As others have so rightly said. The only way to get a grey used to something new and fearful to them, is to place it say 6 to 10 feet away from where they are normally hanging out at. Over time they will either move closer to it for further inspection or you can move it a couple of feet closer to them until they finally get used to it and actually start going and touching. Every grey si different in how long this may take. It also depends on ow different ti looks to anything else they have ever seen or came in contact with. You will just need to place it in the area and wait. Believe me, once your grey gets used to it, she will love it. :)

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Once again thank you all for your advice. I have placed it outside her cage when she was in another room. She is no longer fearful. She just ignores it for now. I know that in her own time she will use it. The good thing is she does not fly away from it. Thank you all.

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Well, Dorian is very fearful of new things. It took over a year to get him to accept his boing the first time. Now we've moved and I'm going to have to start all over again. Put it in a corner away from his cage and play with it in his view. Gradually move it closer, stop when he shows signs of fear. Get to where he will let it be clipped to the outside of his cage, low down at first, then higher. Watch until he begins to touch it or climb on it. With him, adding a bell helps. Anything with a loud stainless bell is immmediately more attractive. The first time we went through this it took months. Hopefully the second time it won't take so long. :)

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