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My timneh..


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Hello everyone!

I'm a CAG and TAG owner from Norway,


I was looking through the net any articles about untamed greys, and I found some posts on greyforums.net, I was very glad to find the forum.


When I was a kid, we had a CAG, he was untamed, he will scream at anyone comes close to the cage but after 6 months he turned out to be so lovable, sweet, cuddly, playful and very talkative, he spent 6 years with us and then his original owner came to claim him so since then we didn't have any grey in the house, I've got a lovable Cockatoo that she kept me busy as I grew up with her. Recently we've decided to adopt a 3 months and half old CAG, he would still bite but I taught him that hands don't harm him so now he became really nice and I've weaned him in few days of his arrival as he didn't want to eat baby food from the bottle anymore. And one day, I went to a pet shop looking for a Cockatoo to keep my girly-too company and found this poor Timneh, mistreated, living miserably and no one will buy him, he is probably a year or two old, untamed, scared of people and the shop clerk was pulling him from his leg or tail which made me go really mad, at the end I bought him for only $160 as the pet owner wanted to get rid of him. I went and bought for the Timneh (who is called Sukar-Sukar now) a huge cage, filled with toys and mineral perches, well I put it in a way that it doesn't scare him and placed his cage with his other roommates in a warm cozy guest room, but he still scream whenever he sees my hand, I am trying to make him feel comfy all I could, giving him fresh food and seeds, but he won't eat unless we are away, I am just praying he will come around and trust me, and I know it takes a long time but I just want him to be happy, I wanted to save him from that place..


My CAG CriCri he doesn't get along with TAG Sukar and a lot of time they fight but try to keep them apart as much as I can, the thing is my CriCri sneak into his cage, and my Cockatoo likes to visit too but she is not aggressive she is very friendly but curious.. I will try to take more pictures of them to share with everyone.


Cricri after shower






Thank you for reading.

And nice to meet you all!



Jujube<br><br>Post edited by: jujubechan, at: 2007/10/14 03:23

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Hi Jujubechan,


What a good person you are to adopt Sukar from such a terrible life.


Their are some people here that have made rescues and I'm sure they will be contacting you. Just be patient and understanding and I feel sure that Sukar will come around. He just has to be sure he will not be hurt anymore.


Good luck to you and bless you for all you are doing for Sukar.

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Hi jujubechan and Welcome to the Forum!!


Why don't you post an introduction in the Welcome room when you get a chance so others will know your new here?


In reference to this post, it sounds like you REALLY have your hands full now with two rescues with issues to say the least.


It is great of you to put the time, effort and love into these guys and showing how life really can be joyful with humans once introduced properly.


The two may never get along, but only time will tell that. :-)


We look forward to hearing more from you and seeing more photos of your other birds.

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Dan is right about going to the welcome room.

FIRST, thank you for doing what you did for that little guy. It shows what kind of Heart you have, VERY LARGE.


I'm listing some very good sites for you, plus all the help you will get right here from GREAT people.










This are some to get started with.



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I want to thank everyone for the sweet and warm welcome! I have already posted in the Welcome Room forum, thank you very much for advising me to do so.


>> Radar:


I think I've seen your videos on youtube isn't? lol It's probably someone else, but thank you very much for your kind comment, I hope I can meet people who have rescued parrots, I am a bit worried as I've read a lot of articles of people who rescues and the bird doesn't adjust to the new life and dies, I hope in my case it will be less risky, I am praying for it.


>> danmcq:


Thank you very much for the welcome! Oh I have my hands full all right! They are still so joyful to be with, I have been taking this as a work out too! I keep going upstairs and downstairs, filling food and water and my Cockatoo Vanessa is following my every step as she is also excited for the new arrivals, she wake up every morning, I open her cage and she go and check on Sukar (TAG), she sees me cleaning and everything and she would just want to stay with me to make sure she is still my number one girl. Cricri the CAG is quite happy too, but I still need him to try fruits, after weaning him he just like to eat seeds, some cooked mix veggies but he won't try bread or biscuits.


>> Nevjoe:


Thank you for the welcome Joe!

I'm not new to greys, but the links are so helpful, the first link actually made me realize that CriCri is a Cameroons as he is larger in size compared the the ones I saw at the breeder house, and she told me he is a Jumbo, he got lighter feather and quite demanding!


Thank you all for the welcome and the comment!



- Jujube

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