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Happy Homecoming Day Bongo!


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Tomorrow is Bongo's homecoming day! One year with us, 6 ears old! I think he understands too! I asked him what he would like as his special gift tomorrow and he ran across his stand and rang his bell with excitement! Then as a first, let me kiss his belly! My lil guys growing up!

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Congratulations on a successful year. Can you believe the changes in your life with your flock? Your birthday treat looks tasty and fun, I am guessing the rest of Bongo's buddies enjoyed sharing his bounty. I agree that he is realizing he is the luckiest boy on the planet. What a happy place you have created in your home for some very special parrots.

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Wow has it been a year already, I hope he got over his fear of that beautiful bread to have some of it, after all the work you went thru to make it for him, glad to hear he is allowing you to indulge in some precious moments with him, a long time coming but you savor every morsel of it.

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