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What a relief!


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As I've mentioned in other posts, Timber and I had a major bump in our relationship. His nails had gotten long enough to impede his movement, and I took him to the vet for a trim and a check-up. That was the Saturday after Christmas. Until today, he has wanted nothing to do with me. Didn't want to "go" like he usually does, didn't want me touching him etc. In fact, when I would ask if he wanted to go (our version of step up) he would go straight in the cage.


Monday night, he finally stretched his head toward me for a scratch. After a couple nights of that, he finally stepped up and went in the living room with me tonight. After that, we sat down and had our old cuddle time, just like before.


What a relief! I didn't think his behavior was permanent, but I was worried... I guess the nail clipping really traumatized him since he had to be toweled. Whew. Hopefully, we are good for another six months!

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Oh the dance of the cold shoulder and forgiveness. I am so glad Timber has relaxed and let you back in his good graces. We have gone through this many times without really knowing what set Gilbert off and it is usually a matter of waiting for him to signal that he is back to feeling safe and ready to try again. Gilbert also came to me last night and sat on my hand for a while and talked to me while I was holding him. I have had a really long wait this time and will take it as it comes too. Great that you and Timber are on the same team again.

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Yes, it is hurtful. And there is the fear that you have undone all the progress made. He still isn't 100% back to where we were, but improving daily. It takes so long to build that trust, then you feel like you have blown it. Hearing that others have birds that react the same way is reassuring, thanks!

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Timbermom... there is also a difference in " being mad at you". as Timber is, as " not trusting you again!" The trust is there, will NOT go away. Timber will not always be happy with life events. You can only say " I love you and understand you are not happy right now." May take him a few days to forgive you, but the trust level will not change. I go thru that all the time with Sophie. When she gets her nails trimmed, she is mad at me. She continues to trust me, but she needs her space to forgive me As she gets older, she cares for herself quite well. If she requires nothing, trimmer does nothing. More and more, he has to do nothing. A quick car ride for Sophie, that she enjoys. Nancy

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