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Looking for a new home for my Grey :(


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I am new to this forum and turned here to hopefully find a new home for my Congo African Grey Darby. After a lot of painful thoughts I have come to the conclusion that I need to rehome my grey due to the fact that I have had some life changes and she has started to turn against me. I have a 12 or 13 year old grey that I got off of Craigslist about 5 years ago. I went to look at her and the situation she was in was disgusting and I knew I couldnt leave her there. I took her with me even though I knew she was not able to be handled. At the time I was in a family situation so someone was home with her all the time. She thrived and I was able to get her to where I could handle her and do a few tricks with her. She has a great vocabulary and she is super smart. After I got her I decided to DNA sex her and she actually DNA tested to be a male but she has always known herself as a she so I left it that way.


When I first went to pick her up, her owner handnt handled her in years due to an allergy. The ladies husband was the one that dealt with the birds would use a stick to get her out of the cage and Darby is now terrified of sticks (brooms, mops and other such objects). When he went near her, she started screaming this terrifying scared scream. I still hear that when I come near her cage with large objects. It breaks my heart. Anyway, as I said, I was able to rehabilitate her to a point where I could handle her and she became somewhat calm. She loved me and would give me kisses but would never repeat anything I would say. She always picked up what my partner said but yet she would scare the crap out of my partner daily!!! She is very ornery but hilarious and is a great talker. She will study people and their words and then one day will come out with a 5 or 6 word sentence! She will do tricks and learn behaviors when worked with. She does some crazy sounds and likes to interact with her humans.


Well my family ended up breaking up and I had to leave her for a few months with my ex while I found a new place for us to live. She never recovered and she has become quite violent with me out of spite. Now that I am alone, I work constantly and she is home alone way too much and more than a grey needs to be. She is now at the point that she screams for me to come back into the room when I go to another part of the house. I can no longer handle her as she would rather try and intimidate me then laugh at me. She throws things at me and does things just to make me mad. She is testing me as all greys do and she is winning :( It breaks my heart but I have to do what is fair to her. She wants someone to spend time with her and I cant do it because of my job. She needs a stable home where someone/a family can work with her and she can trust her owner again. She needs a life that I can no longer provide her.


There are several rescues here in my area (Colorado Springs) but they all want so much money for their birds and I am very leery as I have not heard good things about either of them. I am confident that I can weed through people (as I have already been doing) that want to adopt her but I am just not coming across the right people. I am hoping that coming here, I can find someone who understands that she is not a fun bird right now but she can be if she is placed in a home who has understanding, knowledge and patience for an ornery Grey.

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So sorry to hear this, but commend you for realizing perhaps a new home with owner that has plenty of time and love to give would better a win-win for both. I hope this works out for you in short time period. I can imagine the interview process of interested people will be intense, but rightly so to ensure he gets in to the right home. I live in California and have no contacts at all in Colorado. It seems some members do and can give you a lead or two. :)

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Thank you. I hope so too :) I sit here crying because it breaks my heart but the reason I am sitting here crying is also so she will stop screaming while I am trying to mop the floors on the other side of the house :( She is begging for more attention and I wish I could give it to her. I try to take her in the other room but she doesnt want to come out of her cage and her cage is too big to move around the house.


I have had so many inquiries on her but they want her because she is a grey and they dont care to know what she is like just that they want her. Its so frustrating but I hope I can watch her thrive in a new setting that can give her more than I can. I really hope that I can find someone here that can help us

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This is a great example of what I am getting as prospects UGH :/


I have 13 pet birds and 12 pair if breaders. So if I cant tame her she would get a friend. Have u dna checked her?


I would much rather turn this lady in than let her touch my bird!

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This is a great example of what I am getting as prospects UGH :/

I have 13 pet birds and 12 pair if breaders. So if I cant tame her she would get a friend. Have u dna checked her?

I would much rather turn this lady in than let her touch my bird!


UGH!!! Your right. people just do not have a clue in helping a grey and their owner in need of help to ensure a quality life with a person with at least experience with a grey that needs tlc and a handler that knows when to back off and give space and just share the room while they acclimatize to their new home and flock of humans and maybe another parrot.

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Above board means not shady, looking for the birds best interest not a quick financial return. I wish you could work it out some way to remain together some way of making a little more time for her & less for housework? That is how I do it, house is not like a house beautiful but my birds are happy.

Edited by Greywings
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I wish I could keep her too and the reality of it is that me trying to work it out has just made her worse. Its not that I can do less housework, its the fact that I am out of town two weeks at a time and sometimes work 10-20 hours a day. I have tried and its just not enough for her. I am just not home and when I am she screams and is extremely loud just begging for my attention. She is vey smart and very spiteful and I know shes not happy. Its not fair to her to spend so much time alone or part of the time with a pet sitter that she doesnt trust.

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It is wise to be up front with the expectations a prospective home may face with Darby. I was also told of Gilbert's issues and it made me think long and hard whether it was a commitment I could choose to accept. I would like to say that although it has taken time, he is slowly and consistently becoming the wonderful companion I knew wanted to be under that "ornery" exterior. I do believe there is someone out there willing to be patient and give Darby a chance to thrive. It is a rewarding experience to be able to watch the changes that are the result of a good match.

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I am so sad for you and Darby, but I commend you for doing what is in the best interest of your bird. Here's a good criteria for weeding out people. Have prospective parronts log on here and go to the rescue room to read Gilbert's journey from the start. It sounds like there are a lot of similarities between Darby right now and Gilbert when he first took over Dee's life. If they're still up for the challenge after reading the thread from beginning to end with all the frustrations, tears, and victories, they may be contenders.

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