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Miko and Lara


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My name is Lara and Im from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

My parrot is 15 years old, and before I took him, he was with German ambassador, and then in school hall (school for kids with some disabilities, mental disorder, autism and behavioral problems) and then saved from that school by my friend. I met Miko 3 months ago, and he was in his cage, very nervous, my friend told me that he is very agressive and he hates man.

But, since Im psychologist, I didnt gave up on him, like everyone else.

I think that he is traumatized by that children, because kids in that school are boys, mostly, and this is the reason why he hates man.

Anyhow, I started working with him, and now he is most of the time out of his cage (now his cage is open and he can go in and out, before it was closed)

He is talking more and more, learning new words, his feathers is much much prettier.

He was so alone, and everyone was scared of him, but he is so nice (most of the time, when he is not biting) and cuddling little creature.

So, guys, this is Me and Miko. I really need your help, because this is my first bird.









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He is a handsome little grey guy. Good job taking him in and you will find a great deal of helpful information about birds from difficult backgrounds that may be helpful. It will be fun to hear insights on living with a traumatized Grey from someone with your training. Lots of food ideas and foraging hints here as well. Welcome indeed.

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Hello Lara and welcome to our family.

You have a beautiful grey, he has some of those red feathers which appears to ring his neck, interesting how they appear that way.

You have come a long way in just a few months so you must be doing something right even if it is your first bird. Do read thru the many threads here for lots of useful information as many questions have been asked and answered but if you have some questions please feel free to ask us anything and we will help you in any way we can.

Thanks for including pictures in your intro post and I must say you make a cute couple.

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Miko is beautiful boy and you are doing exceptionally well with him already. It is so good to have him in your hands as you look at him as an individual and companion. You will learn from our forum members as they have been successful with many greys with diversely different backgrounds. You will also learn much from Miko and we will learn from you as well. Congratulations on finding your friend and thank you for joining us.

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