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Introducing myself to everyone.......

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Hello everyone! My name is Natasha and I'm the owner of a 15 yo, female CAG parrot named, Sadiee. We acquired her almost a year and a half ago from a lady that had begun nurse practicioner school and was soon to be married and just didn't have time for Sadiee anymore. :( Her parents had actually been keeping Sadiee strictly at their business office for several months and they decided to sell their business and her mother refused to allow Sadiee to be taken back into their home. I think it had alot to do with the fact Sadiee had bonded with the Dad and really no one else. I was very reluctant and actually pined over the idea of "Should I take Sadiee on? or Should I not?" for several days and had spoken to some bird breeders/experts in the meantime trying to get some insight on whether they felt it was possible for Sadiee to ever "really" bond with me, being I was a female and it didn't look as if Sadiee was too into bonding with the same sex. This was going to be "my" bird, my husband isn't really that into bonding with animals like I am, so I was really worried she may HATE me! Well, long story short and 1 1/4 yrs later......Yep!!!! She hates me annnnd she ADORES my husband!!!!! I speak, sing, feed her, change her cage out, etc., etc. and he's the one getting thrown up on!!!! :rolleyes: She's a treat to have around and she brings me lots of company and joy, I've even taught her several "Sayings" and songs, she even mimic's/imitates me, not him, buuuttttt......she still ADORES my husband and she still DESPISES MEEEE! If it sounds like I'm pouting.....I MOST CERTAINLY AM!!!! But I have to say my husband has really become bonded to her as well and he initiates alot of play time with her, I have to say I'm VERY proud of him! I have some issues that I'd like to get some input on, but I'll ask/discuss those in an individual thread. Nice to meet everyone!

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Well think of it this way, she choose your voice to speak with, that has to count as a positive. Greys can be very funny about who they like and that chosen one can be suddenly on the outs and another may be the golden human for a while. Just be patient and continue on I think you will win her over eventually. Be the one who gives her treats, spends quiet time and doesn't push her to interact, patience is the best tool.

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Hello Natasha and welcome to our family.

So glad you could give Sadiee a new forever home and yes it happens that they pick someone other than the person who wanted the bird in the first place but its great that your hubby has allowed her to have his heart in return. I highly doubt she hates you, she just prefers him more than you but don't give up as you can still have a good relationship with her and who knows one day she might just prefer you as it has happened before. You will probably be able to interact with her more when he isn't around but do be the one who gives her treats.

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Hey Natash! Welcome to GF. I saw your post in the Parrot Bite Me thread first because I'm subscibed. So that's where I put my 2 cents. Hope it helps. So I'll just say I hope we'll hear a lot more from you & Sadiee... good stuff... not so good stuff... pics... stories... whining... bragging...vids... whatever! :cool:

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Welcome! Glad you are here. I sympathize with the issue of her bonded to your husband. Believe me you are not alone. I think we could have a whole new room in this forum for just that situation. I am single and live alone, so my CAG had no choice but to bond with me.

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