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Wally Part 2 is now available ...


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Wally adjusting to his new environment, continued :)


He is so dang cute and totally awesome!



If you remember the last video it was his first time out of his cage, he has actually now been out at least a dozen times ... but this video only shows him inside the cage, except for the first second of the video with a pic of him on a swing outside of his cage.


We did a lot this week including reading a book, well he looked at the pics from outside the top of his cage as I read it to him.


"African Grey Parrots, a complete pet owner's manual" ... was short and sweet. We enjoyed it, well at least I did. :rolleyes:


We read a little every day, I had seen a post in the forum here that said to read childrens books and show the pics to our greys while building trust ... so, I thought, why not, while showing him all the pictures as we went along.


A couple times he actually even seemed a little interested ;). Unfortunately, the book reading is not part of this video though cause I couldn't hold the camera and the book all at the same time. (I'm just not that coordinated)


Hope you enjoy it, thanks for your time watching.


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Love the birdy truffle idea!


A coworker had just given me some really yummy truffles for christmas and they are still fresh on my mind, but long gone into the belly LOL ... it is what made me think of twisting the sides of brown paper with his nutri-berry in the middle to look just like a truffle :)


he does seem to have a great time shredding and eating it and when I start twisting one up, he knows what it is now and dances in excitement knowing what he is about to have

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