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Need some advice; molting or plucking; picture attached


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Hi everyone. I need some help because I don't know the difference between plucking and molting. She does preen often but I did not seen her pulling feathers. According to breeder my baby Emma is 5 months old. 2 weeks ago I started noticing some down feathers on the bottom of her cage in the morning. It was always 2-3 in the water bowl (she standing on the water bowl while she sleeps at night) and also couple of them on the bottom of the cage. But this morning I found 2 grey feathers in the bowl and one on the cage bottom. But sometime in the afternoon while she was preening my daughter found one more grey feather on the cage bottom. She is happy, she is playing and practicing her sounds constantly. I am feeding her ZuPreem pellets, fresh veggies and fruits. She is getting baths 2 times a week and I also mist her with aloe vera juice. I know that sometime is ok to find some down feathers but this morning I found grey one and I am concerned. They don't seem bitten off. Is it possible that she pulled them out?


Picture of Emma when she is eating is made 1-2 weeks after we got her. The rest is made 2 weeks ago and feathers this morning




emmas feathers 001.jpg


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I was thinking the same thing. Neytiri is almost 9 mo old. At times there are lots of fluffs around. And occasionally a grey feather or two appears. From what I know this is normal and they are prob just feather that got knocked out during play. Probably nothing to be worried about.

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Thank you all for your response. I got so scared when I found those feathers because I don't know if they can molt this young. My first taught was "OMG she is plucking". She has lots of toys and I try to keep her busy. I have a cage in my office and I take her with me to work most of the time so she is not alone everyday. And on days when I do leave her, she is in the cage in living room with our little Maltese and either TV is on or radio. Hopefully she is not plucking.

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Hi Emma's Mom, She looks normal to me. But my guy was about that age when he started barbering his feathers. My vet said 15 minute trips outside in the sunshine, most days, should help and it did. He stopped destroying his feathers, and has never started back up after regular sunshine. You live in sunny Florida so you might want to give it a try. We also supplement with nutrient dense marrow found in the one cooked chicken drumstick he tears up and eats every week.

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Thank you Chezron. I will try your advice to take her out every day (this whole past month weather is not on our side). I did try to give her chicken but I was cutting it in small peaces and she will just touch it with her tong and leave. She didn't want to eat. I will give it a try with whole chicken drumstick. Maybe she will like to tear it up and eat. Thank you.

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