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What a scare...


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This am Neytiri was on her perch by the kitchen windows that she loves to hang out on. Something spooked her and she flew (really fast!!!) through the living room and den. She missed landing on her cage and crashed into the wall and fell behind the couch (at least that's what it sounded like) the sounds she was making were very frightening. When I got to the room I couldn't find her I started to panic. I had to lure her out. She has a couple marks by her eye but otherwise seems unhurt. She was obviously shaken though.



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She probably saw something fly by outside the window and it spooked her, they will fly carelessly like that when they are flying away from some perceived danger, glad to hear she wasn't hurt except for a couple of marks and thats to be expected. I don't have that trouble with my grey but my sun conure does not like being close to any windows as she picks up anything she sees outside as a predator and she will spook like that, sometimes when she sits on my shoulder and I am at the sink in the kitchen which is in front of a window she will go part way down my back so she can't see out the window, I think if she sees a plane in the sky she thinks its a predator.

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