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Crazy update video on Rosie!


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Last night I thought long and hard about the wise words on the forum and how to get Rosie out of the cage and right before bed it came to me!! In the morning, I decided to put one of Rosie’s favorite perches on the inside of the door so that when I opened it, it would be on the outside of the cage, which I have done in the past only without food. Rosie was very hungry (I feed her first thing in the am). So when I approached her with one of her favorite reward foods, pine nuts, she was very attentive. She watched as I slowly made a trail of pine nuts from her, across the cage, and out to the perch. At the end of the perch (or the end of the rainbow) was her all time FAVORITE, a shelled almond!! She roused with excitement and that's when I knew it was time to leave. I watched from a distance and this is what happened! Thanks to all!! Oh, one quick question. Once she is used to the perch (if she gets used to the perch) should I practice step up from there??


Edited by lisachristine
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Thanks MistyP! I was so glad to catch this on video. I really wish I would have started a video blog from day one to see her progress step by step. I hope I can look back on this and think " I can't believe she use to not come out of her cage!". I would encourage any new parrot owner to start a video blog to fully appreciate baby steps and to see the progress.

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I think I would be inclined to put a rope perch or another that she likes, so she may be encouraged to come out more often and she might do so if she had a comfy place to watch the happenings. both my boys have perches on their doors, Storm could care less about his ..as soon as his door is opened he is outta there. Echo uses his quite a bit.

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We put a perch on Gilbert's door like that. It took him months to come up to his playtop and now he is happy on a floor stand with ropes to get back and forth. Rosie is going at a faster, more confident pace. When we first started working with him using the open door with the perch, I would stand on the other side of the bars so he could have the illusion he was still safe in his cage. We used the same little trail of crumbs... or in our case, pine nuts and an almond and his curiosity got the better of him. It does get better and better and the day she calls to you and willingly offers her foot is going to be like all the holidays and best birthdays you have ever had. It is worth the slow and steady pace.

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She got to the very end and accidently knocked it off the perch! Poor thing. She scared herself out of the cage again tonight. Flew a couple of laps around the livingroom and bumped into the wall. I was able to get her on my arm with no hesitation. After standing in the same spot for a few minutes so she could catch her breath, I sat and talked to her on my arm for about an hour. When she started falling asleep and slipping off my arm, I knew it was time to put her back. So in love...

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I can't get my Wally to step up yet either when he is near his haven, his cage, a couple times he did fly away from the cage though which he then stepped up no problem.


"African Grey Parrots, a complete pet owner's manual" that i just read said it helps to give them food from the back of your hand instead of handing it to them from your fingers in order to build up trust with your hand, what do you guys think of that?


great video too! she's beautiful


i'm always afraid when they fly away scared that they will bump into something and hurt themselves... glad she is ok and she's got such a loving caring owner to help her through those times


and lisachristine, I totally agree with "I would encourage any new parrot owner to start a video blog to fully appreciate baby steps and to see the progress."

Edited by mrsray
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