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Luna acting differently, but not badly


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I wasn't worried and I guess I'm really not worried just yet, but I certainly don't want things to regress (if that's what this is) if I can help this situation.


So Luna doesn't have a vocabulary yet. She chirps, screams occasionally, clicks/clucks and has a small assortment of hilarious sounds along with a great 'huh' sound she makes when interested in something. She communicates well, but never annoying or over the top. She generally climbs out of her cage on her own (even with her splinted leg) and plays for a while on the playtop or preens herself. When she is done then we have one on one time. This has been the usual way of life.


Now she climbs out of her cage. DOES NOT PLAY WITH HER TOYS. She sits atop her cage and chirps consistantly about every 10-15 seconds with a good amount of screaming (I have tried ignoring her). When I go to her she steps up immediately. She snuggles and buries her head in my chest while I pet her. But she no longer purrs like before. She keeps chirping and then looks up at me and screams. I CANNOT get her to step off my hand unless it is to her food dish. She no longer makes the clicking noise which was a big part of her communication and no longer makes any of the other noises. Just the high chirps and screaming.


It's weird that she still puts her head down for the petting and she still cuddles, but with constant chirps and screaming. I though it might have to do with her leg, but she moves around like before and uses it as her first 'step up' leg. She still climbs all over her cage.


Does it seem like she is regressing in anyway? She does nothing but want my attention. I do know that while I am away she plays with the toys inside her cage because there are pieces all over the cage. So that's a positive. Should I be worried and is there anything you recommend? I try to talk to her, but anything above a soft whisper and she starts screaming. I'm thoroughly confused.

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