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What did I do wrong?


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I've had Mosley for 3 years, since he was 4 months old. I got to watch him hatch. He just had his 3rd birthday on Dec. 31st. We have a very close bond. We've had our ups and downs but what parrot owner hasn't. & greys can really be complicated as we all know!! Last night we had a "falling out". I need advice if any one can offer it.


I dont know what happened. Mosley and I were having our routine hourly shower last night. He sat on the curtain rod while I got ready. Like we do every night. When I went to take him back downstairs he flew to the ground, threw his wings out and started growling at me. I couldnt get him to step up. He ran under the bed and hid. He came out but when he saw me the wings spread and he would make horrible cries and try to get away. I wasnt wearing anything different or acting any different. Now he wont come near me & its making me so sad! =( If he sees me coming he goes back into his cage and goes in the corner, farthest away from me. What can I do? He's taking almonds, his favorite, from my bf Troy but not from me. & he hates Troy! I dont know what happened. Any ideas? :confused:

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A Grey doesn't comprehend the word "no", always display you unhappiness saying,"I don't like that" etc. A Grey responds by reaction, have you ever noticed that when you talk to your Grey they look at you for a second or two [as if their listening lol] be for acting? their thinking about what your saying or doing before responding. Has something changed? A Grey see's in the near ultraviolet, not as we do in shades of gray and the visible color spectrum.. Did you change soap? body lotion? routine? Be patienit, see what happens over the next few days.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I disagree about a bird not understanding the word " no". My birds all understand it! Thats not important here, since Mosley's parrent feels hurt and needs support.

Your baby is groing up, will demonstrate independence. Even if the trust is there, they go thru stage of independence. Support it, continue to guide your bird. Your bird will always love you, and need you. Nancy

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Sorry if anyone misunderstood what I said, to clarify, My response was: "A Grey doesn't comprehend the word "no". When you use the word "No" to a Grey, it's not only the word but the tone of voice, annunciation and volume, to a Grey, this is like saying "I dare you", fighting words. Amazons and other parrots [including dogs] responded very well to the command "No", a Grey questions it.......This is one of the difference between Human psychology and Avian.......Thanks Jay

Edited by Jayd
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I guess my feeling is that it doesn't matter so much what exact word or expression we use as long as it is consistent and associated with our emotions. Greys are fantastic at reading us and will get our meaning. I feel for LovelySydney. It must be very tough trying to figure out what caused this reaction. It's my biggest fear with Gracie. Everything is peachy keen and smooth sailing now(better than when she was a baby--I never got that cuddly compliant fid that many did) , but I pray every day I will be ready for the terrible twos. Gracie is a year and a half now. I hear the clock tick tick ticking....

Edited by JeffNOK
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I'm getting to old to post, I always have to correct myself. A Grey, a Zon, etc, understands a word for the value of the word itself, a Grey responds to the word No as well as all the other words we speak to them, there that smart. So even if you say "No" in a sweet and tender voice, they still understand it means "No", no matter how much you butter the word. Good response Jeff, To everyone, always remember to do what you feel is best. Maybe I should stick to posting to Happy Hatch Day, lol

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Well Jay, as we age, as I have as well. We all have what I call "Brain Farts" and either leave half of what we were thinking out of our response or pull the data from the wrong file. I believe thats where the saying "Ive forgotten more than you know" came from. :P

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Well Jay, as we age, as I have as well. We all have what I call "Brain Farts" and either leave half of what we were thinking out of our response or pull the data from the wrong file. I believe thats where the saying "Ive forgotten more than you know" came from. :P



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