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Grey sleeps on ground


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I adopted a timneh about three years ago and he has always slept on the bottom of the cage, not the perch, I put a towel down and formed it in to a makeshift nest and he's always cuddling down there. I recently googled this and found that parrots usually sleep on perches, so my question is could there be something wrong with him, like sore legs or other issue (he was abused and is highly aggressive) or is it just an odd behavior?

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Most greys do sleep on a perch but that doesn't mean that a few who choose to sleep elsewhere have anything wrong with them, he obviously prefers to sleep on the bottom of his cage, if he is comfortable and happy down there then leave him be.

I see this is your first post, why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us more about yourself and your grey like what is his name?

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Hi Cesar, if he was in an abusive situation, he probably feels much safer at the floor of the cage at night. Unfortunately when we re-home some of our birds/parrots we can't always know what goes through their minds and what caused a certain behavior. Kudos to you for such patience and love for this sweet grey. I am looking forward to learning more about the both of you. Welcome to the Grey family.

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About the only time to judge if there's an actual problem with your bird, all you would have to do is watch the way your bird is to see how he his throughout the rrest of the day (totally awake). Is he on his perches during the day? Does he climb around his cage? Does he constantly slip and fall off his perch throughout the day? If the answers to thiese questions are no, then sleeping on the bottom is simply a preference.

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Thanks everyone! I assumed he was fine just was surprised to learn that it wasn't a common behavior, then again nothing with my parrot seems normal, lol.

I just wrote an intro in the newbies part, thanks for the advice :D

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Sleeping at the bottom of the cage, is unusual! Who cares? LOL! My birds do so many strange things, I don't even bother to post. Nancy

We of the Grey Forum care, that's how we learn, that's how we find new insight into these wonderful creatures.

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Please, all members, never stop asking, there is no stupid questions. Post, ask, research, and decide what you feel is right. From the unusual we learn...Always feel free to stand by what you believe in.....Thanks every one.

Edited by Jayd
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Casar, I am delighted your question was answered. As for Jayd and Nancy, get over it and do your squabble by PM! Why do you find it necessary to spoil another informative thread again!

Thank you so much Janet, I'll take your advice.....That what friends are for..I'll personally never spoil another post again.

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I do care. But... here over and over, how whatever my birds do, is not normal, and I am tired of it.If my birds are on the bottom of the cage, they are having fun, usually chewing newspaper... I'm all over them, saying NO! Providing new newspaper. Nancy


First my thoughts on the topic of this thread based on experience with my grey Dayo. He has slept at different time on the bottom of his cage since he was a mere hatchling. He still will do so from time to time. Greys in the wild live in tree holes. there are no perches or branches in them. They lay down and go to sleep. Sometimes in the evenings while we are reclining and watching a movie or TV, Dayo will just lay down on his belly and the next thing you know his wings are partially parted and he is in a very deep sleep. I'll bet it feels good to have those talons relaxed by not gripping a perch and the weight off of them.


Now, since this thread has turned in to another issue in the latter posts between members. I am going to say something all can take to heart or just trash it in their memory banks as wrong information:


We all have different Greys and other species of parrots that behave uniquely and especially when you have flock dynamics going on in homes with multiple birds. Things that any of us post here is normally intended to help by giving ideas for whatever topic based on behaviors we see and respond to daily and how we either encourage or find ways to stop or dramatically lessen them. I believe when each of us post, it is with good intentions and are trying to help and/or throwing other ideas out there based on what worked for us. Just because other members have different experiences and therefore comments and thoughts than we do does not make them wrong or crazy.


The most important thing to have, is multiple comments and thoughts from as many people as you can get on a topic you ask a question on. Why? Because we all know each and every grey is an individual and may or may not respond in a positive way like our greys or other species do in a given situation. Thus the more ideas and thoughts the better. We should not blast or belittle another member because their experience may seem bizarre to us. Why do we need to? Let the original member consider and respond if they wish to the various answers they receive. Then we will not go off topic and turn it in to another hijacked topic.


I have been guilty of blasting others and well. but have been working on that personal issue. My way is not the only way or best way ALL THE TIME. It is based on my experience, reading books and yes the web to learn as much as I can. But, the way my brain assimilates and comes to conclusions and beliefs is not the same as the next person possibly. My flock is probably different than yours. But, there will be something someone can glean from my posts and find at least a small part useful hopefully.


A teacher decades ago told our class something that I still don't ALWAYS take to heart but try was: "The words ALWAYS and NEVER are seldom correct or true in a sentence, so be very careful how you use them. There are exceptions in most cases". This is true here on this forum. A member is not ALWAYS or NEVER correct. So lets try to see through perhaps personal opinions of a member developed over time and try to realize they are a human with different experiences and learning in life than us and most importantly feelings. Let them say what they feel is important input on a topic without fear of being blasted or belittled, ok?


Lastly to put this in perspective with some humor in it. My wife and I were having a disagreement a week or so ago on a topic. Finally she said very angrily, "You think you know EVERYTHING and you don't know ANYTHING!" As she glared at me, once I processed what she said, I started laughing so hard, I had tears coming down my cheeks. She of course started belly laughing as well and said "What so funny?". Once I controlled the laugh, I said "I find it hysterical and an oxymoron that I went from "Knowing Everything, to Knowing Nothing, I figure I am somewhere in between". :P

Edited by danmcq
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Lastly to put this in perspective with some humor in it. My wife and I were having a disagreement a week or so ago on a topic. Finally she said very angrily, "You think you know EVERYTHING and you don't know ANYTHING!" As she glared at me, once I processed what she said, I started laughing so hard, I had tears coming down my cheeks. She of course started belly laughing as well and said "What so funny?". Once I controlled the laugh, I said "I find it hysterical and an oxymoron that I went from "Knowing Everything, to Knowing Nothing, I figure I am somewhere in between". :P




Come on, tell the truth!!! I've known you for a long time and I KNOW for a fact that you ALWAYS pick on your wife because you know she's a delicate person and you NEVER let her win any arguments. You rule with an iron fist and you ALWAYS make sure she knows it. She cowers when your anger NEVER subsides. SHE will ALWAYS be sorry that she met you. You'll NEVER change and you'll ALWAYS stay that way. AND that's the absolute truth.

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