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The act of regurgitating.


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I know there are many opinions about allowing this or not but i wanted to share it. After almost a full year with us, Bongo was such a different bird yesterday. He was dancing around, dumping his water bowl (his version of playing, lol) and whistling. In all this time, that has been one of his most active days. When i put him to bed, he has started running to the top where the breeder box door is and waits for me to open it and get my nite nite kisses. Last night he stopped short, just hanging upside down watching me. So i just opened the big door and stuck my head in for our kisses. He doesn't let me touch any of the "trigger" points but lets me play with his beak. I had his beak between my fingers where he normally likes to pull away like he is going to bite me, but instead he regurgitated in my hand. It brought me to tears. He is not an affectionate kind of bird but this said a lot to me!

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I'm a big regurg owner and supporter. Many don't believe in supporting regurg. I think it is the most important offering of love. Many think it is a sign of sexual aggression. Nonsense! It is a demonstration of love. Of course it is important for birds to regurg in your hand, thank them, offer a gift in return. A simple kiss on the beak always did it for my birds. I always appreciated their offer of love, thanked them for the work it took to offer the regurg. Sophie was always proud. I feel bad when new parents refuse the regurg, think it is sexual aggression. In my opinion, it is a " refusal of love that they are offering!" Sophie still regurgs in my hand. I always thank her. She is always proud. Nancy

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This is one of those things that really separates a true bird lover (or friend of one) from the flock. "Aww, isn't that sweet...!?! He threw up on you!!" is just not something that's ever going to pass most people's lips & I'm pretty sure they would say they're grateful.


But when it is a true act of devotion how can I help but appreciate the gesture?* *Especially when some of my guys are so tough where it comes to getting them to share any emotion ...unless of course they're PO'd. lol

Edited by birdhouse
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Well OK! I also thought that the act of regurg was showing a sign of sexual dominance, so I generally try not to encourage it. Little did I know that my fella was showing me LOVE. That's awesome, he does it usually once a day for me. Thanks for sharing on this subject. I love this forum!!!!

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This is one of those things that really separates a true bird lover (or friend of one) from the flock. "Aww, isn't that sweet...!?! He threw up on you!!" is just not something that's ever going to pass most people's lips & I'm pretty sure they would say they're grateful.


But it is a true act of devotion. So how can I help but appreciate the gesture? Especially when some of my guys are so tough where it comes to getting them to share any emotion ...unless of course they're PO'd. lol

lol you make me laff!

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^^I 'd just read Ray's 'cuckoo bird' thread. Which may be why that sprung to mind. All I could think was "This is one of those places where people would swear we were all crazy ...or members of the Addams family!" lol


But I had to edit my post when I read it in yours. My fingers weren't apparently listening to what I was thinking (it happens :)). Lots of times it's sexual. More rarely I think it's something emotional. I don't think it means anything bad if a fid never does it. For me, it's just special if they do.

Edited by birdhouse
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Brutus used to do this with me, but I have discouraged it even though it means he has chosen me as his mate. It is sweet, but I do not want to confuse him later when he wants me to "go all the way." I tell him that's sweet, but i don't feel about you that way. He knows I love him because I constantly tell him or show him, plus i don't want him to waste a perfectly good dinner for no reason. Instead he kisses me now by touching my face with his beak which is awe-inspiring too. He has taken up the behavior with Jimpster, our Quaker, who will have nothing to do with our little Romeo. Now I see him gazing wistfully at Pancho, the Panama Amazon, and I know this will not go well. It is that time of year again folks!

Edited by chezron
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Sophie has always regurged to me. She has done so for ten years. Not sexual agression for her. She tends to do it when we have spent alot of time bonding, and have had a fun day. I have had to teach her to deliver it in my hand and thank her. She watches me like a hawk to make sure I understand the gift she has given. I treat it like a birthday gift. LOL! We have progressed to hand only. She would prefer I get it in my mouth, but we can only do so much! LOL Nancy

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