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Blood Transfusion Donors needed!


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My African Grey, Red (TAG) has been sick for a couple of months. First, they thought PDD, but since we did a barium study, it is believed there is a mass in his proventriculus. We live in Nashville, but will have to travel back to Univ of TN Vet Clinic in Knoxville for more diagnostic testing and possibly treatment. If the mass is cancerous, there may not be much we can do. If it is benign, it could be very risky to try to remove it, due to the location of the mass.


In order to give Red the best chance of surviving the testing and treatment is to have blood donors available, while he is there, in case he starts to bleed out. I am hoping there are some healthy Greys in or around the Knoxville, TN area that would be willing to let their bird donate some blood to possible save Red's life. I'm waiting to discuss the details with the vet, but they said unless we have a donor parrot, it can't be done.


If I can find a bird or two in the area, I can get more information on the procedure and risk to your bird, although I believe its not that risky.


I so hope, as you know what it would be like to lose your friend, that someone will be willing to at least discuss this with me..or even the vet's at UT.


My email address is rksphoto@comcast.net


Thank you for any help!!!!

Edited by auntphibian
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Oh no, I am so sorry to hear this. If I lived in your state I would have Dayo there in a heartbeat for helping with this. I hope there are some members here that do live in TN that can help. I pray this turn out with Red healthy and living a long life. Pleas keep us updated as you can.

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