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TAG bar spacing


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Sorry for skipping the introduction, I've been lurking the forums soaking up information while waiting for my TAG to wean. I had just picked out a cage today and ordered it, but apparently failed in my research for TAG bar spacing. The cage that I ordered today has one inch bar spacing. Should I cancel this order and find a smaller cage with the 3/4" spacing? *sigh* I had finally narrowed it down to a cage...

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Around the end of January or beginning of February, depending on when he weans. His name is Tyrion. Thank you to everyone that is a part of this forum for so many questions and answers. I have poured through these pages for the past couple of weeks and it has been such a great source of info!

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So, I guess the order for the first cage did not get canceled and is being shipped, along with the other cage shortly. Would the 1" bar spacing be too big for a TAG? The other cage is just so much smaller, but I can't seem to find a cage I like that is big with the 3/4" bar spacing.

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I believe one inch would be too large. You do not want your TAG to be able to get it's head between the bars and outside the cage. I am uncertain of where you are looking at cages at. I have a macaw size 5.5 feet tall by 4 feet wide and it is 3/4 inch bar spacing.

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