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jackson being nippy


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hi my grey is 2 years old...eats pellits and has lots of toys.the problem that im having is that I cant get him out of his cage to step up with him yelling and biting and darting me.also he will run to the back of the cage.when i get a towl and get him out and put him on top and its time to go back intot he cage sometimes he will go if i put new snacks in his cage but if he don't he will run and screem and bite and dart at me.ill walk up to his cage and ask if i can scratch his head then he darts at me so fast.i don't know what i did wrong...ive been very sick and on blood thinnners and if he does get me it will be bad.i moved him into my bedroom so he can be with me more..i thought that would help.he also likes my partner more lately..where he would nippy her.she can scratch his head...i do let him out to play for hours but its hell to get him back in.i cant even bath him right now and he needs a bath...thank you for reading and for any info u can share

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Tanya, at two years old he is going through the terrible two's and displaying his independence. This is the age greys in the wild stop relying on their parents for help and support. They start rambling around with other greys in flock and also start feeling out the possible availability of mates, though it will not be until 5 or 6 years old before they are actually sexually mature. I know it hurts deeply when they display this Independence and self desire. We went through this with dayo and learned quickly to watch his body language and know when to not even try for a step up. Up close and personal interaction became available on his terms and when he decided he wanted it. This will last for a while. The bites will not stop until you learn when it is going to happen and stop the biting incident from happening. You should always give a firm "No Bite" when one does happen and if you wish, place him in his cage for a time out immediately for say 5 minutes, no longer though. It will will a little in slowing down the bites, but is not guaranteed. Dayo was willing to take time in the "Slammer" for delivering a good bite at times we didn't see it coming. Anyway, this will pass over time. But you are really going to need to pay attention to his body language and know when to just walk away and interact with him from a little more distance. :)


One note on getting him back in the cage at night. Try turning the lights off. They do not see well in the dark and it makes getting a step up and return to the cage much easier and less dramatic than using a towel which they hate. This is how we had to get dayo at night to place in his cage.


I am sorry to hear you are having health issues which just adds to the situation.

Edited by danmcq
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I got a post saying that I will not be getting anymore notifications until I visit the forum again...the date was jan.4.i don't really understand why or who I need to email...I hope im still in the group....

also thank you for ur reply on Jackson.any info on this is greatful.

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