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Hi everyone! My name is Claire, I'm 21 & live in New Jersey. I just bought a 6 week old Congo African Grey last night from Bird Paradise in Burlington, NJ. =) I find out if it's a "he" or a "she" (as well as test results for psittacosis and PBFD) sometime next week and I get to bring him/her home in March or April. I decided to check out Grey Forums because I did have a CAG before that passed away about a year ago due to a genetic defect, possibly the result of in-breeding. I bought him from a rather shady breeder but he was so stinkin' cute I just had to have him. This time I wanna make sure I do everything right so I won't have to go through that heart break again anytime soon.


Some pictures of my little darling! ;););)





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Hi Claire, Welcome to our Greyt family!! I am very happy you chose Bird of Paradise for your grey. I live about 3 1/2 hours away, and make the trip there once a year to stock up on bird toys for my flock. I also bought my amazon from them. They are FANTASTIC people there. I use their auto-ship program for their fresh ultimate blend which I am sure you will feed your baby when he or she comes home. Cant wait to hear more, keep us updated! Visit our nursery, start a thread and keep those pics coming so we can watch your baby grow!!

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Hello Claire and welcome to our family.

What a precious little baby grey you have there, I know you can't wait to bring him/her home to start the rest of your lives together. So sorry to hear of your previous grey but if it was a genetic defect then there was nothing you could have done to prevent it but glad you could open your heart for another one.

Please do browse thru the many threads here for you will find a wealth of information, most all from firsthand experience with these amazing creatures.

I have heard lots of good things about that place in New Jersey and one day I am coming up to visit that store.

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