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Attacking feet!


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So, I was not sure which thread to post this in, Biting, or Training, but here goes...


Darwin had adapted extremely well to our home. He has bonded with me more than other person in the house, and while this excites me, it also makes me sad, because he seems to hate my Fiance. Darwin is trying to claim the kitchen floor (in particular an area in front of an empty cupboard he likes to play in) as his own. When my Fiance, Nathen, goes into the kitchen, Darwin puffs up like a porcupine and launches at his feet! He does it in other areas of the house as well, but mainly the kitchen. Darwin walks around the house at will basically, and its a some what open floor plan, so there is no way for me to keep him out of the kitchen except to keep him in his cage. If the problem was limited to the kitchen I would say that would be easy to manage, but its really Nathens feet+floor=Darwins beak! I have started to stand next to him and then crouch down as darwin walks by and touch Nathens feet and say "He's okay, its okay" and stroke his foot(usually his slippers). That works if I am there, but If I am not near the two of them, they seem to go at it. Nathen tries to walk, and Darwin tries to chase him out of the kitchen. Now it has gotten to the point that I wait to see what happens, and as soon as he attacks his feet I scoop him up and put him back on his cage. It seems to help a little bit, but My fiance is about to lose it, and I dont know what to do to make the two of them have a more compatible relationship. If the cupboard that he plays in is creating the problem should I eliminate the cupboard all together? I fell like he is claiming the territory(or trying to at least), and if that is taken away maybe the dominance will go away? uuugh...lol, any suggestions will help. I'm at my wits end breaking up the squabbles between the two of them...He kind of does this to my kids feet, but not near as much, and he only does it to me if its a case of mistaken identity....

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Darwin needs to understand the rules. When he bites Nathens feet, Nathen need to pick him up and say NO! Return to cage. Darwin needs to learn the family is a package deal. His poor behavior, is not tolerated.If he is playing in the cupboard, but anyone tells Darwin he is done, HE IS DONE! No bite, or go back to cage with a firm NO! NO BITE!It is hard to be consistent with the entire family, but important. We went thru that with Sophie for six months. She is an angel, and loves us all. Nancy

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What if Nathen has not handled him yet? Darwin seems to be aggressive towards him. He has gotten better, slowly. But he has still not picked him up, or held him, or touched him..lol He did however sit on his lap the other day when he was visiting me on the couch. I am not sure if Darwin realized it or not, but he is far from stupid as we all know are greys are smart cookies, and he did not go after him. I think that Nathen might need to put a little more effort maybe in the bonding process? I figure that Darwin is thinking, "if he doesn't try why should I"...

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One of our greys, Gabby, hated me without doubt. I did my normal things with all the birds and let Gabby just tolerate me in her space. I didn't force myself on her. It took months but our relationship as gone from what you have described to being allowed to pick her up. Been about 6 months. If she tried to attack me, it was me who picked her up and did the no bite time out and it was me who got her out of time out. If i allowed Pat to do this, or if i let him to protect me from her, she would never learn not to bite me. Gabby is 100% hubbys baby and i respect her feelings and now she understands that, so we get along just fine.

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They do love to go after feet, shoes etc. when on the floor. We just move our feet if our grey is on the floor and gong after them. This really does not need to be a frustrating process. If he persists on going after the feet, pick him up and place him on a counter top, perch etc. also tell him No feet, shoes etc. while trying to avoid him. If he persists, place him in the cage for a time out for no longer than 5 minutes. Over time you will learn to deal with this, but it is important your boy friend gets on the same page and quits getting upset which just adds fuel to the fire. Greys are very empathic and know your inner most most feelings. If you or anyone yells etc. it just makes the game more fun to your grey. This behavior ma never stop, but you can slow it down and also learn how to deal with it with out someone getting bitten.

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I have a friend who has a Mollucan that gets very wound up when on the floor and gets aggressive. Now I am not advocating this but it works for them, she places a big plastic open weave laundry basket over him when he is being difficult and he runs around the kitchen with the laundry basket over him. this looks very funny and he gets derailed from the aggressive behavior having fun & exercise moving that basket around with out biting anyone or eating the woodwork. He sleeps well that night as well.

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she places a big plastic open weave laundry basket over him when he is being difficult and he runs around the kitchen with the laundry basket over him. this looks very funny and he gets derailed from the aggressive behavior having fun & exercise moving that basket around with out biting anyone or eating the woodwork. He sleeps well that night as well.


Hahahahahahahahahahaha! I would love to see a video of that! The Mollucan probably enjoys it from the way it is described, here, :)

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At first he is angry at being thwarted throws a little hissey fit as an M2 is so good at, then he has fun blowing off steam and works that basket all over the floor. I will have to ask if they have filmed that. I did find on of a U2 doing the laundry basket travel dogs look upset.

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That laundry basket technique was ingenious for the family on the video. We had one long battle with our smaller parrot over our daughter coming home from college. She posted pictures of the attack of the devil bird. Java was relentless and would go to great lengths to bite and intimidate her. We had to work long and hard to get them on good terms but now they are good together. What we did was initiate a truce by having Kelsey be the only one to give her treats while she was home. She was really afraid of her and it took a lot of coaxing for her to try to make friends. I don't know what the deal was with Java becoming a screeching little harpie upon Kelsey's appearance. She had never done it with anyone else or since then. Once she learned Kelsey was her only avenue for treats, then we started leaving the room and leaving Java behind and letting Kelsey be the one to go back and let her out. Then we started going to the basement to watch tv down there together instead of the living room and we would leave Java behind for ten minutes and have Kelsey go up and offer to give her access to the "flock". It was hard because during college, it was short breaks home and then a while away but we finally got to a good place. I don't know why she singled out one person and I know Kelsey didn't aggravate her or exacerbate the animosity. It was shocking to see it but it was almost like Java knew she could bully her and when Kelsey finally got brave and interacted and called her bluff, the attacks disappeared.

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Thanks everybody!! I talked to Nathen today and told him that I really needed him to be on board with this process or it was never going to get any better. He agreed to put in a little more effort, but he is still very apprehensive. I think its because he is so afraid to get bitten...lol. He is more of a bunny kind of guy...hahhaa But he has gotten a little better with Darwin so I have to give credit where credit is due. That clothes basket video is hilarious! I laughed so hard. I laugh so much more now that Darwin is with us, that He has picked up my cackling! He lets out the biggest belly laughs. SO today when Darwin DIDNT bite nathens feet as he walked by, I clapped and said "yaaay Darwin!" haha And he clicks with me and bobs his head while I clap, and then I laugh, and he laughs all the way from the tips of his toes! its so funny, I hope I can get it on video one of these days. I think the treat idea is a really clever idea too. I got some little yogurt birdie treats at the store today, if he likes them they I will have Nathen start giving them to him instead:)

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