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My grey fraisure


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I picked up my bird from a home of neglect. This is my first bird I have ever owned and went into our relationship with ignorance. I felt bad for the bird he was being punished when he bit and wasn't being fed properly his cage looked like it hasn't been cleaned in months animal control couldn't do anything. I fell in love with this mean bird and the only way the lady would give it up is with 2 grand I payed for from my savings. Way over priced I know. So now my issue is is training. Coming to this website showed me my first mistake I thought it was okay to push/scare my bird out of the cage onto the ground so I could hold it. Ever since I got this little guy he got his weight back and his talking all day. But he just hates me. He is the smartest creature I have came across he unscrewed the lock on his cage the other night walked into my room and attacked me in my sleep. I'm 18 and live on my own. I need help. He is 10 years old and loves to watch tv any tips will be much appreciated. I just couldn't leave this bird in that home and I will do anything to have a good relation with him

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Hello Austin and welcome to our family.

I am so glad you could give this bird a new forever home and also so glad you came here to learn what you are doing wrong.

You found out that pushing him does no good and in fact it hurts the relationship but it can all be corrected if you follow our advice and be very patient with him as he settles into his new home. You never want to push a grey for more than they are willing to give so be prepared to spend a lot of time allowing him to feel comfortable, it may take months for him to come to trust you but it will be worth it when it does happen.

As you are already finding out by reading thru the threads please continue to read as many as you can for it will be very helpful to you, be sure to focus on the rescue room for we have a couple of members who are starting to reap great rewards for their patience.

Yes you overpaid for him but wasn't it worth it to get him out of an abusive situation and in the near future you will probably say he is priceless, I do commend you for being willing to give up so much money to remove him from that home but if you heed our advice you will find the most magnificient companion and a lifelong friend.

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Thanks Judy this sight really helps I already got positive feed back. I just gave up when he ruffled his feathers and tried to bite. So I balled up my hand and showed him the back of my fist and he stepped up for his first time he seemed very nervous so I put him on the perch I made him and gave him his favorite treat. One of my mane concerns is why does he grind his beak together making a crunching sound. He has never done it before until yesterday. But yes just being able to put him on his perch made every penny worth it

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Hi Austin and welcome to the grey forum.

The first questions I have is how long have you had him and what is his name.

They are very smart , but the one thing you must learn to do is think in grey time. Give your new companion time to settle in. He is in a new home with a new person and dose not know what has just happen.

Spend as much time as you can with him, talk, read, sing and just see what will relax him.

I believe in a soft voice, a gentle touch and you being there.

Take the time and read a thread called "Gilbert is home". It will give you some good insight on rehoming an older bird and the time it could take.

Good luck with your companion.

P.S. I just noticed his name.

Edited by Ray P
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Austin, in most cases the sound of beak grinding is a contentment that our grey does as he gets ready to go to sleep. The fact he came looking for you when he escaped from his cage might have meant he wanted to be near you but then got too excited. Welcome to the forum, it may take some time but Fraisure will come around. I sometimes feel that Gilbert doesn't like me, but it really is that he is still a little scared and it is more about his situation, so don't get disheartened or take it personally. He doesn't know you well enough to hate you, and even if you made a few mistakes, you can still win him over in time. You have searched out and found kindred spirits here and we will cheer you on as you become a really good friend to Fraisure.

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wow, what a smart bird and what a story!! There should be more people like you in the world. I probably shouldn't be posting because I sadly have no advice since I am new too, but I agree about reading in the forum here. I do a lot of lurking and learn a lot. Just started giving my Wally carrots due to a post I saw about nutrition and how greys like those. This forum and the people in it are awesome!


I will share the two best posts I have read so far though ...




as a fellow new grey owner, you might like those as much as I did


Congrats on the new buddy!

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Good job mrsray! Austin you are off to a great start by wanting to do the right thing and doing some research to find out more. You might follow /gilbert story it has been quite the journey for him and his humans. At our home we have 4 Greys and each one has it's own history, some good some bad and we love them all. Any of us are willing to help answer questions and share what we have learned to help you and Frazier (spelling?)move forward into a happy relationship. Look froward to hearing how his personality changes as he settles in and feels safe.

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Austin, I want to commend you for rescuing this bird from the conditions he was living in. There really should be more people like you in the world. I don't really have any advice for you. I've only had my Grey for 4 months and I have had him since he was 9 weeks old so I really haven't had to deal with the baggage that these creatures seem to carry with them (so I've read).

They really are amazing, smart birds and I learn something new from him every single day.

It sounds like Fraisure stepping up is a great step forward. I hope you continue to make progress with him and please come here anytime. It's a great forum for information and support.

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